#68. The Date » Steve (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"I've had worse happen," I shrugged. Not a lie, I really have. "So, are you a Sergeant like your friend James? About to be shipped off to fight the good fight?"

Obviously, I knew he wasn't. I had to keep up this facade.

Steve scoffed. "Do I look like military material?"

I eyed Steve up and down before answering, "If you can hold a gun and hide in plain sight, I think you should be fine."

Steve stepped off the plank and approached me. "I wish I was. It sounds stupid, especially since so many veterans from the first war have shared their horror stories, but I want to enlist so bad. I want to go to war, to fight and to defend this country. My parents were part of the military, both of them. It feels like I owe it to them to join them." Steve sighed and shrugged. "But I can't. Too many health risks. Even if I did pass the health check, I would never be able to pass any physical tests or training. I'm just...too small."

I started feeling a bit of sympathy for Steve, but I also knew what was to come for him. Little Steve Rogers, wanting nothing more than to defend his country and change the world. Little did he know, this would change very soon.

"You've got a good heart, Steve," I told him. "Much better than most the guys I've been on a date with."

"I guess you just haven't been on a date with the right guy, then," Steve said.

"Maybe I haven't."

I looked down at Steve and suddenly felt my heart begin to race. Oh my God, that adorable face, those blue eyes, those lips...and this is just before the serum! He's going to get so much hotter once he goes through the experiment. And, while the experiment would change his physical appearance, I knew his personality wasn't going to change. And that was such a big part of what made him so...attractive.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I shouldn't be falling for him. In fact, I'm not! It's just a silly crush. Once I finish my mission and go back to my time, Steve will live a nice, happy, full life. With Peggy, hopefully. They'll get married and have little super soldier babies and grow old together. He'll live the life he deserved to live.

"Hey you two!"

I quickly looked away from Steve, mentally thanking Bucky for this distraction.

"I almost didn't notice that you had left," he said with a laugh. "Connie and I are going dancing. You two coming?"

Steve looked at me, waiting for my response. I shook my head. "Sorry, Sergeant. I don't dance."

Bucky looked between Steve and I before chuckling. "You two are pretty good for each other then. Steve doesn't dance either."

I looked over at Steve, remembering something I had once seen in a documentary about Steve. "I guess he's just waiting for the right partner."

Steve smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. Bucky looked between the two of us and smirked, as if he had just created the best couple known the man.

"Alright then," he said. "I'll see you before I'm off, Steve."

"Don't win the war without me," Steve told him. Bucky mock saluted before walking off with Connie, who immediately attached herself to his arm. Steve turned to me. "So, what do you think? Are we calling it a night here?"

I had an internal battle with myself then. I would've loved to say no, and to continue to have a fantastic night with Steve. But I had just noticed Dr. Erskine over Steve's shoulder, listening to our conversation. I hoped what Steve had said was enough to convince Erskine to talk to him about the experiments.

"I might," I said with a sigh. "I'm kind of tired. But I did have a good night. You're a great guy, Steve."

Steve smiled, but it was a bit sad. He probably thought I had a bad time. I felt extremely guilty, but all of this was for his own good.

"It was nice to meet you, Riana."

"You too, Steve."

I couldn't help myself and I went for a hug. Steve seemed a little thrown off guard, but he hugged me back. I pulled away and kissed his cheek, something else I did just in the heat of the moment. Steve's face turned bright red as I giggled.

I turned and started to walk away. I paused at the top of the stairs, then turned back to Steve. "Hey Steve?" He turned to look at me. "Don't lose that goodness within you."

He nodded. "I won't."

I smiled at him and started down the stairs. Once I was far enough away from him, I started running. I ran for a darkened corner where I knew no one would see me. I snapped my fingers, and the world around my blurred. I moved in time, but only by a couple of months.

And now I was stood on a military base on a rainy day in a military uniform. And a post-serum Steve Rogers was standing on stage with his showgirls.

Kind of a meh second chapter, but I hope you guys enjoyed it! Dedicated to Riana_Jannat23

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