#36. My Brother's Jackass Best Friend » Jake

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My brother, Austin, is known as the jock of school and has a few douchey friends. But the most jackass of them all is his best friend, Jake Wyler.

Jake Wyler is head jock. He's everything a stereotypical jock is; he's rude, he's arrogant, he's an idiot. He's also the quarterback and boyfriend to head cheerleader/head slut of the school Priscilla. Not to mention the fact he is super hot (I will admit that).

All of these things together make him the most popular guy in school. Every girl wants to be with him, every guy wants to be him. I've even heard some of the lesbians in our school giggle and swoon when he walks by. He has everyone wrapped around his finger.

Everyone except me.

I cannot stand Jake Wyler. I cannot stand how he always flirts with me. I cannot stand how he always looks at my boobs and my ass. I cannot stand how his girlfriend does nothing to stop him. But most of all, I cannot stand the fact that if he asked, I probably would date him.

That's the kind of guy Jake is. He's the kind of guy you love to hate and hate to love. Well, if you're me. If you're everyone else in the school, you love to love him and hate isn't even a part of the equation. I don't understand high schoolers. I just can't wait till I'm no longer one of them.

Prom was just around the corner and I wasn't planning on going. No one had asked me and I didn't expect anyone to. Austin said I'd be a loser if I stayed home, but I pretty much am a loser, so it's not like anything will change.

I was sat in my room, doing some homework, when I heard the front door open and Austin and his obnoxiously loud friends stomp into the house, loudly laughing as they did so. I rolled my eyes and got up to close my bedroom door. If I knew they were coming over, I probably would've went over to Gwen's instead.

I sat back on my bed and attempting to tune out the loud assholes in the kitchen below. However, it got a bit hard when my doorknob turned and opened. I tried to ignore whoever had just walked in, whom I assumed was just my brother, but it got a bit harder when he decided to speak.

"Hey Mick."

I closed my eyes and let out a groan.

"Awe, don't be so excited to see me babe," Jake said as he crossed my room and sat at the end of my bed. "Whatcha doing?"

"Homework. You know, that thing you make the nerds do," I said, not looking up from my textbook.

"I do my homework...sometimes," Jake said. "So, what's this homework? Looks kinda like math."

"It's Chemistry. Chem is pretty much math, but probably more useful in life," I explained. "Not that you'd know. You spend most of Chem class making out with Priscilla in the back of the classroom while the teachers pretend not to notice because you're pretty much royalty in school."

"Yeah, I don't really wanna talk about Priscilla right now. She dumped me."

I looked up at Jake. Half of me wanted to ask what made him think I actually cared, but the other half decided against it. Sure, the guy could date any girl he wanted, but he had been with Priscilla since junior high and the two really seemed to be in love. At least, that's how it seemed whenever they were sucking each others faces.

"I'm sorry Jake," I said.

"Don't be. Gotta move on. Get back on the horse and all that shit."

"You know, they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone."

Jake laughed. I joined. Wait, was I really joking with Jake Wyler, my brother's jackass best friend? The world must be ending.

"You know, Austin said the same thing," Jake said.

"Oh, you just ruined this whole thing!" I exclaimed. "Never compare me to my brother, please!"

"Why not? I think he's cool."

"That's because you, like the rest of the school, are blinded by the haze of society's lies that tells us that being a jackass is cool and insanely sexy."

Jake stared blankly at me for a moment. "That was a lot of big words."

I rolled my eyes. No I remember why he pisses me off so much. He is literally an idiot. I'm pretty sure his IQ is in the single digits. Maybe even the negatives, if that was possible.

"What do you even want, Jake? Austin and the other assholes are probably downstairs watching some immature R rated movie with lots of sex and naked women."

"Probably, but I don't wanna watch that kind of stuff right now. I wanted to come ask you something," he said. "You know prom's coming up, right?"


"Oh, Mick, come on, you didn't even let me-"

"Okay," I said, holding up a finger to stop Jake from speaking. "First off, my name is Micki, with an I. Kinda like Mickey Mouse. And second, why would you want to go with me? I'm technically a loser. Worst yet, I'm your best friend's sister. Isn't there some sort of guy code or something?"

"There is, but I don't care. I'm finally single and I want to go to prom with you."

I couldn't believe this was happening. It had to be some sort of prank. Like in Carrie when Carrie won prom queen and got pigs blood dumped over her head. It has to be one of Austin's dumb pranks.

Although, he'd not nearly smart enough for something like this. Austin has the maturity, and the mindset, of a 12 year old boy. His idea of a "top notch prank" is putting a whoopee cushion on my seat in History (luckily the only class we have together). The worst part? The other students actually laugh like it's the funniest thing they've ever seen.

I have zero faith left in humanity.

But I would be lying if I said I wasn't considering saying yes. But if I said yes, I felt like I was going back on everything I've ever said. All the rants Gwen and I had about the "popular" kids and how they get whatever they want whenever they want.

On the other hand, Gwen did tell me she wanted me to go to prom and enjoy myself. And I guess, maybe I would enjoy myself if I went with Jake.

What's the harm? I could always say I said yes because it was an "experiment".

"Okay," I sighed. "Why not."

"Really?" Jake asked. "That took a lot less begging than I thought it would."

I couldn't help but laugh a little. "Now get out! I need to finish my homework."

Jake got up from my bed and started to the door. He shot me his stunning smile, one I've seen him give all the girls, before he closed my door.

Hey. At least he's smart enough to do that.


Part 2?

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