#68. The Date » Steve (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"It's a date!"


The next evening, Connie and I met up at the "Stark Expo". I felt so weird being here knowing that Howard Stark was the father of Tony Stark, the genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist of my time. I felt weird being stuck here in the past in general. But a good kind of weird, if that made sense.

I was starting to get impatient and anxious, worried that Bucky wasn't going to bring Steve with him. Luckily, my worries were set at ease when Connie snapped me out of my thoughts by calling, "Bucky!"

I turned to see Bucky striding towards us confidently, with the tiny, skinny, pre-serum Steve walking beside him. I was suddenly feeling nervous for a different reason. I couldn't believe that I was about to meet the Captain America! But I had to play it cool. I couldn't let him know that I was from the future.

"Ladies," Bucky said with a smile. "I'd like you to meet my friend, Steve. Steve, this is Connie and her friend Riana. Riana will be your date for the night."

"It's nice to meet you," I said, shaking Steve's hand.

"You too," he said. I suddenly felt wrong about wearing heals. I was standing a solid head over him and had to look down to speak to him. Although, I don't think not wearing the heals would have made any difference.

"So," Bucky said. "Are you guys ready for the future?"

Connie swooned after Bucky immediately, leaving the two to walk on together in front of Steve and I. He offered me his arm, like a gentleman, and I took it.

We walked through the Stark Expo, looking at all of Howard Stark's amazing inventions. None of them were exactly as technologically advanced as Tony's inventions in my time, but they were still amazing. A lot of them seemed to be the base work for some of Tony's work, which would make a lot of sense.

Connie dragged Bucky, and thus Steve and I, to Stark's presentation. I was left speechless when he came on stage. The Howard Stark! Oh my God, I'm totally fangirling over people who don't even know why they should be fangirled over yet. I needed to tone this down.

I had to stifle a laugh when Stark announced his first invention; "The Flying Car". He was using some sort of heavy, bulky technology to replace the wheels, and to try and make it fly. And it worked! For like a second. The car came back down to earth with a crash, and Stark awkwardly chuckled before saying, "I did say a few years, didn't I?"

And everyone was eating his words up. He was actually the Tony Stark of the '40s. Why was I even surprised?

I turned to look at Steve beside me to see that he was gone. Neither Connie, nor Bucky had seemed to notice. Luckily, due to one of those old timey "I Want You" posters that I had only seen in my high school history classes, I had a good idea of where he had gone.

I walked up the stairs to the Armed Services Recruitment building, which, surprisingly, wasn't too far away from Stark Industries. Once inside, you're brought to this sort of museum full of propaganda telling people how glorious being a soldier was, and how everyone should become one. I almost cringed. I wished I could tell them all the truth, but I guess everyone has their own proof.

I found Steve standing at a picture of a headless soldier, where you stand on a button and it lights up with your face on the soldier's shoulders. Except Steve wasn't tall enough for his head to fit in the picture.

"Hey there, soldier," I said. Steve turned to look at me, his face suddenly becoming red. "I think if you stand on your toes you could reach."

"Sorry," he sighed. "I didn't mean to ditch you."

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