Chapter 7

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The next week was a boring and lonely one since I was stuck at home, Cassie had tennis practice and Louis was busy with concerts and such. Right now, Cassie and I were sitting in the airplane on our way to England. England! We were both super excited, having wanted to visit England for as long as we can remember

"How's the shoulder?" She asked me.

"Extremely painful. Same as usual."

"Did you take pain killers?"

I groaned. "Yeah, but its not helping much."

"I still can't believe you didn't tell Louis you injured yourself." She rolled her eyes. "When are you planning on telling them that you need surgery?"

"Never. They don't need to know."

"Seriously?” She said, giving me this look that just screamed ‘you’re an idiot’. “They all love you; they'd want to know that you're going under the knife."

"Attention ladies and gentleman," a British voice came over the loudspeaker, cutting off my reply. "We're going to be landing. Please take a seat, fasten your seat belts and have a wonderful time in England."

"Yay!" Cassie squealed.

"Finally!" I shouted loudly, earning me dirty looks from the rest of the passengers, we finally landed and Cassie took my carry on for me.

"I still think you should tell them."

"Look, the reason I don't want to tell them is because it will just worry them when they should be focusing all their attention on having an awesome tour. Besides, they can't be mad at a cripple." I said and she sighed.

"You are way too stubborn." She sighed, shaking her head as we walked off the plane.

"ABBY!" I heard Louis yell in my ear. "I've missed you! Wait…What happened?" He asked, eyeing my sling.

"I hurt my shoulder. Guys, this is my best friend, Cassie." I said once the rest of the guys caught up with Louis.

"Hello!" She waved enthusiastically.

"H-hi." Harry said shyly and I had to bite back an ‘Aww’ at how adorable he was when he was nervous.

"Hello!" Abby repeated stupidly.

"Hi, I'm Liam." Liam introduced himself. “And this is Louis, Zayn, Niall, and of course: Harry.” He said, introducing the rest of the band.

"What did you do?" Louis asked me, ignoring Cassie and the guys.

"I don’t know" I said. “But the doctor said I have to wear this.”

“That’s terrible.” Louis exclaimed, looking at me sadly.

“It’s fine.” I shrugged. “Now can we go?" I asked and they nodded. We walked over to the carousel and Louis grabbed my bags while Harry grabbed Cassie's. Oh my word…they're absolutely adorable together.


"Do you need anything?" Liam asked us back at the hotel.

"Nah." Cassie said, bouncing on the bed.

"I'm okay." I said, lying on my side, on my bed.

"So...I missed you." Louis whispered, lying so that he was facing me. He intertwined his hand with my right one.

"I missed you too, especially this last week." I sighed. Whoever said 'distance makes the heart grow fonder' was absolutely correct.

"I'm sorry that you hurt your shoulder." He said. "What exactly did they say was wrong?"

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