Chapter 22

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“Cassie!” I whined.  “I need your help!”

“What are you whining about?” She asked, looking up from her spot at the table.  I groaned and started banging my head on my laptop keyboard lightly.

“I need to pick a song and start practicing.  The auditions are in five days.  Five!  And I haven’t even started practicing!”

“Why does he even make you guys audition if anybody can sing a solo?”

“I don’t know.” I sighed.

“When’s the concert?” She asked.

“In like, three weeks.  He didn’t give us very much time to prepare.”

“Wow.” She said, getting up and kneeling down next to me.  “You know who would be great at helping you?”

“Who?” I asked absentmindedly, scrolling through the recommended videos on youtube.



“Why not?”

“Because he is a professional singer, and hears amazing music all the time.”

“You’re amazing too!”

I scoffed.  “I’m terrible compared to them.”

“Stop being so negative about yourself.” She said.  “Oh! I was watching this youtube video the other day, and it was wonderful and amazing.” She said, typing into the search bar and then clicking on a video.

It was a version of Katy Perry’s “The One That Got Away”, but slowed down and more emotional.

“Oh my goodness.  That’s amazing!”

”I know! And I was thinking that you could play the piano with it.”

“That would be so pretty.” I sighed happily, pressing the replay button.

“You really should tell Louis that you’re having a concert.  You’ve gone to one of his, he should at least know about yours.  It would be super romantic, too.” She grinned.

“Cassie, no.  I’m not telling him, he doesn’t need to know.”

“You do realize that a relationship is built on trust and honesty, right?  You seem to keep a lot from him.”

“I only keep things from him that he doesn’t need to worry about.  He has a career to worry about; he doesn’t need to waste his time coming to some stupid high school choir concert.”

She sighed. “When will you get it through your thick skull that YOU MATTER TO HIM?!”


“No! I’m tired of you thinking that you mean absolutely nothing.  You don’t get to think that! Your parents actually love you and encourage you.  My parents are the one who tell me that I mean nothing.” She finished off her speech dangerously close to tears.

“I’m sorry.” I mumbled and she started laughing. “How is this funny?”

”I don’t know!” She giggled.  “I’m sorry, it’s not funny. It really isn’t.”

“Are you alright?”

“I’m sorry for going off on you.” She sighed.

“It’s okay.”

“Seriously though, consider telling him.”

“I have.  I just don’t…want to, and you have to promise that you won’t tell Harry.”

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