Chapter 30

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Just a warning, this chapter is divided into three parts.  The first part is in Louis’ point of view, the middle part is in someone else’s point of view, and then the last part is back to Louis’ point of view.


~Louis’ POV~

The next day, everyone was busy.  They were either at school, getting food/taking a shower/sleeping or working, and since I didn’t want to do any of those, I was sitting in Abby’s hospital room, tracing her face with my finger.  I had been staring at her so much that her face was permanently etched into my brain, and I could tell you every feature, no matter how tiny.  I sighed and got up from her bedside and sat in the corner of the room, putting my headphones in my ears, the volume of the music low enough so that I could hear when the door opened.

After twenty minutes of playing with my iPhone, there was a tiny groan from the bed. I looked up in shock, ripping my headphones out of my ears and looked at Abby.  Her hand moved and she groaned again, I scrambled out of my chair so quickly that I almost pitched forward and face planted on the ground.  After I had slammed my hand onto the button on the wall, I dropped to my knees beside her bed. 

“Abby?”  I whispered, putting her hand in mine.  She opened her eyes, blinking as they tried to focus and she looked at me. “Oh thank goodness.” I breathed.  She lifted a shaky hand to touch my cheek, wiping a stray tear away.  She opened to speak, but instead she choked on the tube going down her throat and her eyes widened in fear.  The heart monitor beeped rapidly and a nurse rushed in, moving me out of the way quickly before she turned her attention to Abby.  I closed my eyes and tried to block out the horrible choking and gagging sound coming from her as the nurse removed the tube.

“Louis?” She croaked groggily and started coughing.  I handed her a cup of water and she drank a few sips before handing it back to me.

“Welcome back, sweetie.” I whispered tearily.

“What um…” She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. “What happened?”

“I’ll let the doctor explain.” I said as the door opened and her doctor walked in the room.

“Good morning!” the doctor greeted her.  “I suppose you’re incredibly confused.”

She nodded and leaned her head back, shutting her eyes.  “What happened?”

“Would you like to know now, or after you’ve slept?”

“I think…sleep….” She trailed off as she drifted to sleep.

“Well I guess we’ve got our answer.”  The doctor chuckled.  “Press the call button when she wakes up again.”

“Will do.”  I said tiredly, my lack of sleep finally catching up to me.  I was completely and utterly exhausted.

 I pulled out my phone and called her dad. “Hello?”  He answered.

“She woke up.”

“She did?” He asked, sounding excited.

“Yeah, but she fell back asleep.”

“We’ll be there soon.” He said, hanging up.

I sent a text to Cassie and Harry, informing them that she was awake, and then sat in the chair next to Abby’s bed and leaned my head on the part of the bed next to her hand and closed my eyes, falling asleep almost immediately.

~Abby’s POV~  

When I woke up the second time, Louis’ head was next to my hand and he was fast asleep; Liam, Niall, Zayn and Harry were all sitting around a table, playing cards; Cassie was standing at the foot of my bed, smiling at me creepily, and my parents were sitting in chairs across the room, talking animatedly to one another.

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