Chapter 1

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I hate family vacations...okay...hate is a strong word. I strongly DISLIKE family vacations for a few reasons:

1) I have no cousins…okay, I have step cousins, but they live States away

2) I'm not allowed to invite friends, so I have no one to talk to besides my parents and grandparents.

3) There's never anyone my age around.

True, we were renting a houseboat on a lake and I was going to learn how to water-ski…but still.

Finally, after hours upon hours upon hours of driving, we reached our destination: Diamond Lake.  It was absolutely gorgeous; the water was a really pretty turquoise, (my favorite color) and the sun was hitting the water so that the colors of the sun (A.K.A the reds and oranges) were mixing in with the turquoise of the water.

“Aren't you glad you came?” Mom asked.

“I guess.” I said, biting back a smile.  I wasn’t going to show her that I was secretly glad we were here.

“Let’s go in.” She suggested eagerly, already walking inside our houseboat.

I followed her in, curious as to how big it was on the inside. “Can I go for a swim?” I asked her, eyeing the water. I wasn't a big swimmer, but the weather was so hot that I was sweating just standing here.

“I guess.” She sighed. “But you have to go say hi to your grandparents first and then you need to put your suitcase away.” When I was finished with what she had asked, I went into one of the small bathrooms and changed into my floral pink, purple and black one piece bathing suit. When I walked out of the bathroom and out on the back porch type thing, my dad handed me my life vest and helped me put it on.

“Have fun!” He grinned.

“Thanks!” I grinned back. “Are you coming in?” I asked.

“Maybe in a little while.” He said and went inside. I walked over to the edge of the houseboat and put my toes in to get a feel for the water.

“Its fine once you get used to it.” My mom said, joining me out back.

“But its cold!” I whined and a loud noise caught my attention. It was coming from another houseboat about 10 other houseboats away from us. “What the-” I said squinting a little to see who (or what) made the noise, but stopped when I saw a guy around twenty push another guy around the same age into the water. The guy who pushed his friend in pointed and laughed at him. The one in the water held his hand out for the other one to take, and then when he had a hold of his hand, pulled him in and splashed him. When they started shoving each other under the water, I looked away.

“They look like they're having fun.” My mom said.

“I know…” I said, suddenly missing my friends back home.  I sighed and jumped in the lake, taking with me the raft that would allow me to float on my back. Once I was on the floatie, I closed my eyes and decided to allow the water take me wherever it wanted; I'm pretty sure I fell asleep at one point, but I didn't care, the water was just so nice.

“SUPERMAAAAAAAAAN!” I heard a British voice yell and jump in the water, the force of the splash making my raft flip over.

“Holy carrots!” I yelled as I popped up, coughing out the water that had managed to enter my lungs.

“Sorry, love.” The same voice said sheepishly, whacking me on the back. I opened my eyes to glare at the guy, but my jaw dropped and my eyes widened instead.

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