Chapter 18 ~ Louis' POV

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~Louis’ POV~

“How did it go?” Liam asked sympathetically when I walked out of my bedroom.

“I think I broke her.” I sighed and my shoulders slumped in defeat.  I walked over to the couch and plopped on it, burying my face in the pillows.

“That bad, huh?” He said and sat next to me, placing his hand on my shoulder.

“LOUIS!” Harry hollered from his room.

“What?” I yelled back, my voice muffled from the pillows.


“No.” I whined into the pillows, and Liam patted my shoulder comfortingly before getting up.  Someone poked my back, and I groaned.  “Go away.”

“Come on, Lou.” Harry sighed, when I didn’t answer, he pushed me off the couch, and I tumbled to the ground and landed on my back with a dull ‘thud’.  I heard sniggering and I opened my eyes, my expression probably a mix between shock and bewilderment.

“Why would you do that?”  I asked, snapping my eyes to Harry’s green ones.

“I was worried you had suffocated to death.”  He replied innocently. 

I narrowed my eyes at him and he grinned. “So you do know how to speak more than one word sentences!” I sighed and crossed my arms, staring at the ceiling glumly.  Harry walked over to me and peered down, a frown on his face. “Are you going to get up any time soon?”

“What’s the point? My girlfriend hates me and it’s my entire fault.”  I moaned, draping my arm over my eyes and sighed sadly.  I hated that stupid magazine article with a burning passion.  I would NEVER cheat on Abby.  I love her too much, and she’s such a genuinely amazing person. I missed her so much, it hurt.

“Lou.” Harry said softly, crouching down next to me.  “Are you hurt?” 

I nodded miserably. “Yes.”

“Where?” He asked; concern evident in his voice. 

I sat up and pointed to my heart. “Right here.”

“Oh, Lou.” He cooed softly, standing up and pulling me to my feet.  He pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around me and I buried my face into the crook of his neck, not caring that this was probably a ‘Larry Stylinson’ moment (I hated that term.  It was not a bromance; we were simply very close friends.)

“It hurts, Harry.” I mumbled and he nodded.

“I know.”

I pulled away and wiped my eyes, my chin quivering as tears pooled in my eyes.  I was being such a girl.


“Louis, you’ve got to get out of bed.” Zayn sighed, walking into my room.

“I’m never leaving this bed ever again.” 

“You’ve got to, mate.  We have to be at the recording studio in an hour, and it’s a half hour drive there.”

“Why?” I groaned, snuggling deeper into the duvet.

“We have to record some songs for the new album.”

“Ungh.” I groaned, throwing the duvet off me.

He smiled at me sympathetically and gently pushed me towards my bathroom.  “You’ll feel better after taking a shower.”

“Will it make my chest stop hurting?”

His expression softened even more and he shook his head sadly. “Afraid not.”

I groaned but walked into the bathroom, turning on the shower and shutting the door.  After I had bathed myself, I leaned my forehead against the tile, breathing deeply before shutting the water out and stepping onto the mat, wrapping a towel around myself.

I left the bathroom and changed into a pair of sweats, long sleeved shirt and pulled a beanie over my wet hair.

“Hey, Lou.” Harry greeted me when I walked out of the room.

“Where’s your coat?” Liam asked and I shrugged.  “Louis, you’re going to catch pneumonia.” He scolded lightly.

“I don’t care.” Zayn sighed, Niall handed me a coat and continued chewing whatever was in his mouth, Harry handed me a scarf and Liam threw me my shoes. “Thanks guys.”  I croaked out and they nodded.


“What song are we recording?” I asked, getting settled on my stool.

“Over again.” Zayn replied.

“Ready guys?”  Paul, our manager asked.  We nodded and the music started.

Said I’d never leave her ‘cause our hands fit like my t-shirt, tongue tied over three words. Cursed.  Running over thoughts that make my feet hurt, bodies intertwined with her lips. Liam sang, and I closed my eyes, emotion overwhelming me.

Niall’s part came next and I sighed internally. “Now she’s feeling so low since she went solo, hole in the middle of my heart like a polo, and it’s no joke to me. So can we do it all over again?”

The chorus came and I sang half heartedly, my mind on Abby.  “If you’re pretending from the start, like this, with a tight grip, then my kiss can mend your broken heart, I might miss everything you said to me.  And I can lend you broken parts that might fit, like this, and I will give you all my heart, so we can start it all over again.”

“Can we take the same road, two days in the same clothes, and I know just what she’ll say if I can make all this pain go, can we stop this for a minute?  You know, I can tell that your heart isn’t in it, or with it.” Harry sang, and I took a deep breath.

“Tell me with your mind, body and spirit; I can make your tears fall down like the showers that are British, whether we’re together or apart, we can both remove the masks and admit we regret it from the start.” I sang, pouring all of my soul, and putting all of my being into my solo.  Harry shot me a look and I shook my head subtly.

“If you’re pretending from the start, like this, with a tight grip, then my kiss could mend your broken heart, I might miss everything you said to me. And I can lend you broken parts, that might fit, like this, and I will give you all my heart, so we can start it all over again.” We sang.

Next came Zayn’s part. “You'll never know how to make it on your own, and you'll never show weakness for letting go. I guess you're still hurt if this is over, but do you really wanna be alone?”

“If you’re pretending from the start, like this, with a tight grip, then my kiss could mend your broken heart, I might miss everything you said to me.” Liam sang softly and I smiled slightly.

And I can lend you broken parts, that might fit, like this, and I will give you all my heart.

So we can start it all over again. If you're pretending from the start, like this, with a tight grip, then my kiss could mend your broken heart, I might miss everything you said to me. And I can lend you broken parts, that might fit, like this, and I will give you all my heart.

So we can start it all over again.” The song finished and I was practically in tears.

“That was great, boys.” Paul said and I wiped at my eyes.  This whole thing has got me emotional.  I hate it.

“You alright, Lou?” Harry asked softly and I nodded, leaning down to take a swig of my water bottle.  I was tired of moping around hoping she’d come around.  If I wanted her back, I needed to do something about it.  She would be mine again.  Soon.


So….what did you guys think?

Would you guys like more chapters in Louis' point of veiw?  I kind of enjoyed writing in his point of view.

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