Chapter 19

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"Stop moping!" Cassie exclaimed.

"I can't help it."

"You didn't even give him a chance to explain. You just hung up on him!"

"He thinks I'm ugly!" I wailed and her eyes darkened in anger.

"He said that?! I'm going to KILL that idiot!"

"No wait!" I said, scrambling out of bed to stop her as she marched towards my door. I grabbed her arm and tugged her back.

She stopped and turned to face me, a confused expression crossing her features. "He called you ugly. He called MY gorgeous best friend ugly. I'm not going to just stand here and do nothing! I'm going to attack him!"

"He didn't call me ugly."

"Then...what did he call you?"

"He said I was absolutely breathtaking."

She stared at me in confusion, and then she looked at me like I was the dumbest person alive. " do realize that breathtaking is the opposite of ugly...right?" She asked slowly.

I groaned in frustration and flopped on my bed. "I KNOW that. I wouldn't understand." I pressed a pillow to my face and groaned again.

"Try me." She said, sitting on the edge of the bed and prying the pillow from my face. "And give me the pillow. You're going to suffocate to death."

"You know that chick he kissed?"

"For the last time, you don't know for sure that he kissed her."

"I SAW it, Cass."

"Whatever, continue."

"Okay, well she's gorgeous! And me...well, I'm just a potato." I sighed.

"Look at me." She said and I brought my eyes to her face. "You are NOT a potato."

I nodded sadly. "Okay."

"No. Repeat after me: 'I am not a potato.' Say it."

"I am not a potato."


"I AM NOT A POTATO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. My dad passed by my room and poked his head in, a confused expression on his face.

"Am I missing something here?"

Cassie giggled. "Abby thinks she's a potato."

"Are you drunk?"

"Mmmayyyybe." Cassie slurred on purpose. My dad's eyes widened and I threw a pillow at her head.

"She's kidding!" I laughed nervously and he shot Cassie a disapproving look.

"Not funny, Cassidy." He said.

"It's Cassandra!"

He narrowed his eyes in confusion briefly before they returned to normal. "That's what I meant." He replied calmly and walked away.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing. By the time we were finished, I had tears in my eyes and I grinned at her.

"I haven't heard you laugh in forever!" She grinned back at me.

"Yeah...well..." I trailed off and she nodded knowingly.

"I know."


"Come here." Cassie said, dragging me to my computer and started tying a black cloth around my eyes.

"What are you doing?!"

"Oh, shush." She said, pushing me into the chair.


"Shut up!" She hissed and I folded my arms.

"Well fine then." I huffed, annoyed that I was temporarily blind. I heard her tapping on the keyboard and then I heard her click on something with the mouse.

"TA DA!" She screamed, and my blindfold was ripped off.

My eyes widened as I took in the computer screen. "Cassie!" I hissed, looking at her. "Why am I staring at Louis?" I whispered, waving into the computer screen slightly.

"He's skyping you! Don't just sit there like an idiot, say something!"

"Hi, Louis." I said softly, staring down at the desk.

"Abby." He croaked. "I miss you."

I blushed and looked at Cassie. "I don't have a skype."

"I made you one last night while you were sleeping."


"You two have fun. I'm going home."

"Hold on Louis." I said, getting up quickly from the chair. "Home?" I asked Cassie.

"What are you doing?! Go back to Louis!"

"Why are you going home?"

"I don't think he's there." She whispered.

"Don't take that chance. Stay here, please."

She shook her head. "I'll be fine. Go work it out with Louis. I'm pretty sure he's not home."

I looked at her warily and nodded reluctantly. "Alright...if he shows up, come back here."

"I will." She said, giving me a quick hug and I walked back to the computer, sitting down.

"What was that about?" Louis asked in confusion.

"Nothing." I said dismissively. He nodded and stared at me.

"Abby...I didn't cheat on you."

"I know I need glasses, but I know what I saw." I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Why won't you believe me?!" He yelled, and my eyes widened. I've never heard Louis yell seriously. "I'm telling you the f...I'm telling you the truth!"


"Abby! Why won't you believe me?" He asked harshly. "Why don't you trust me?" He asked softer, a hurt expression coming over his face.

"Louis..." I sighed sadly.

"Look me in the eyes and tell me that you're telling the truth." I said and his eyes met mine.

"I'm telling you the truth; I would never cheat on you. I love you too much for that." He said, his eyes never leaving mine. Another emotion in his expression made me gasp slightly. Love.

My eyes widened again and I took a deep breath. Louis loves me?

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