Poems Of An Average Girl

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Guardian Angel

  Here I lay,

Heart bleeding from lost I've gone through.

Pains and aches from the falling I have done,

Feeling like there is no escape from this depression.

Wanting there to be another way out of this life I had thrown in.

  Then I spotted him,

The one who lifted me out of my deepening sadness,

Only by talking and being there for me.

Never turning away,

With all the support I need to prosper and be successful.

Not a doubting thought in his mind.

  Even when upset about the little,

He helps with looking at the brighter side of it all.

Finding all the good that is in this world I know.

  Shielding me from all the bad and hate in this place called Earth could throw at me.

With the little flaws he has,

I am able to hold him up.

So in some respects,

I am his Guardian Angel,

As well as he is mine.

Author's Note:

  So I decided to make a new poem book about something different than just Love and my thoughts on the different things I have seen in and out of that emotion. For those of you who are wondering why I wrote this, it was because I was listening to Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Acrobats, and NO! THIS ONE ISN'T ABOUT LOVE! FORGET THAT PART OF THE SONG! No, it's about protecting the people you hold close to you, for example, your family and friends. So that's what this one is about and there are plenty more poems coming for this book as well as updates for others...those take longer though...sorry, no motivation to type out long ass stories right now :/ 



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