Chapter Forty One

Start from the beginning

Dalton had been gone for four days now. They talked on the phone whenever they could and missed each other terribly. Ariella hated going to bed alone at night, missing his warmth next to her. However Dalton had promised her that he would most probably be home within the next few days.

Today Ariella was out with Elisha in a stroller.  With nothing particular in mind, she walked down Fifth Avenue planning to stop for a snack. Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind. She shouted and whipped around.

“Shhh Ari. Please don’t create a scene.” Kaden said as he held her arms, preventing her from striking out at him.

“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” Ariella shot at him. However Kaden was staring at the wedding band next to the engagement ring. Ariella was taken aback by the expression of sheer agony on his face.

“You got married?” Kaden choked out, his voice hoarse.

“Yes. Four days ago”

“Ariella…” Kaden whispered, his eyes brimmed with tears. Ariella took in his appearance. Even though he was dressed sharply in a business suit, he had dark circles and his face was hollowed.

“I love him and we were engaged. You knew. This was going to happen one day”

“I thought….”

“Look, let’s sit down.” Ariella said as she heard Elisha get cranky in her stroller. She wanted to get it through him once and for all that they had no future.

She walked in front of him and slid into a booth outside a small café, pulling the stroller next to her, and unbuckled Elisha out of it.

Kaden was dumbstruck as he looked at his daughter for the very first time.

“She’s beautiful” He whispered as he stepped forward and but then stopped himself.

Ariella adjusted the stroller seat and placed her back inside so now she was sitting with her toys.

“I want to be a part of my daughter’s life” Kaden said as he sat down across from her.

“Now you want to be part of her life? Where were you when I was in the hospital suffering from alcohol poisoning while pregnant because I couldn’t bear the fact that you walked out on me or where were you when Dalton held me every time I was afraid or the morning sickness got the better of me?”


“Let me tell where you were! You were with another woman who also happened to be pregnant with your child.” Ariella laughed and shook her head.

“We belong together Ariella. You are mine Ari. It’s us.”

“I am not yours Kaden. I never was. I was one of the fifteen women in your life”

Kaden had the courtesy to lower his head.

“I don’t even want to get in to that now.” Ariella continued.

“But I am her biological father.”

“And that is all you will ever be. One day I will tell her about you but not anytime soon and you know my reasons.” Ariella said as she stood up. She felt her heart flutter at the pain on Kaden’s face but he bought this on to himself and the sooner he understood and moved on the better it would be for all of them.

“I belong to Dalton and the only way you will be able to separate me from him is by killing me because as long as I am alive I am his and he is mine.”

“What do I do? I can’t live without you” Kaden said as he got up.

“Go back to Alicia and her son. So what if the child is not yours biologically, you spent nine months believing he was yours and loving him. You can’t fault her for cheating on you. Remember you had a fiancée waiting at home for you while you had warmed her bed. For once in your life be true to someone and don’t let her down, not now when she needs you the most.”

Kaden looked at her and nodded.

“So this is it?” He asked as reached out for her hand and Ariella reluctantly let him take it.

“This is better for all of us. Let’s put this behind us and move on with our lives Kaden”

“You know I will always love you. I always did. I just took it….for granted Ari and I would regret this for as long as I shall live”

“For all that it matters, you once owned my heart but life goes on” Ariella said. She then leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

“Good bye Kaden” She said as she stepped back and turned to leave.


She stopped.

“Can you promise me one thing?"

“Depends…”She turned back to face him

“Give this to Elisha when you tell her about me.” He removed a chain from his neck. Ariella took it with shaky hands. She had never seen Kaden without it. He had once told her it was part of him and something about it being the oldest family heirloom.

“I will”


“I promise”

“Good bye Ariella” With that Kaden turned and walked away, leaving Ariella staring after him.

Dalton stepped out of the plane and sighed as the cool New York air greeted him. He was glad to be home and back to Ariella.

The last six days in Africa had been a nightmare. So much chaos, pain and loss. Their company had made sure everyone was compensated and looked after. Now it was all mostly handled and rest could be taken care here from the states.

Dalton's good mood lifted the minute he saw his father and security team rush towards him across the tarmac.

"Hey dad. Everything okay? "

"Ariella and Elisha have gone missing"

I am back!
Sorry for not updating in so long.
But here is a long chapter.
Hope you guys enjoy it!
Please do comment and vote! ❤

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