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John POV

"Sir? Wake up please," a nurse shook me awake.

"Did something bad happen to Alex?!" I asked, yelling a bit to loud.

"Oh, no. He just lost a lot of blood, so he might be a bit sick when he wakes up," she explained.

"As long as he's alive," I sighed, slightly relieved it wasn't something else.

I waited another two hours before Alex woke up. I was still at his bedside.

"Alex?! Why did you hurt yourself?! I love you! Are you okay?!" I cried.

"Give him a few minutes," the nurse said.

I nodded. He opened his eyes, and they adjusted to the bright hospital room. He saw where he was, and total dread crossed his still pale face.

"Sir, are you alright?" The nurse asked.

He stayed entirely silent, but his facial expression just screamed panic.

Finally, after much anticipation, he said something, "Miss, I'm at the fucking hospital, do you think I'm alright?" Alex remarked.

A few doctors made an "oooohhhhh" sound from across the room.

"Oh shut up, guys! You know what? I'm gonna say it! Ron's wife left him for another woman! And honestly, they're a better couple than her and Ron could ever be," The savage nurse remarked.

This time Alex and I did the "oooohhhhh" sound. The nurse shot us a death glare before walking away. We laughed, but Alex's voice was scratchy.

"Alexander, please tell me why you hurt yourself," I begged softly.

"John, I want to tell you, really! But you'd hate me for it," his voice was horrible. Beyond horrible in fact.

"I don't care, I love you anyway, now and forever,"

"Well, long story short, I... cheated on you..."

I was stunned. I certainly did not expect an answer like that.

"Tell me more,"

"Well, I guess I'll tell you when it first happened. We were at the Schuyler's place and I was going to use the restroom. I didn't know where it was, so the maid showed me. But she... sh-she-" he was sobbing now.

"She what?"

"She kissed me and I told her to stop, but she didn't! And she told me if I told you something bad would happen! So I did what she told me! I-I just... please don't hate me! I don't know what I'd do without you!" Alex cried, gripping onto my sweatshirt.

"It's okay, just don't ever do this again," I deadpanned.


It killed me to see Alex like that. So vulnerable, weak, and helpless.

"Can I leave?" Alex asked, already totally done with the sappy stuff.

"No, you still need to heal," I answered.

"Healing is for weak!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, will you're weak right now. I bet you can barely stand right now,"

"Is that a challenge?!"

"Wait. No! Don't get up!"

We both laughed at our antics and Alex began to fall asleep again. To make sure he actually did rest, I told him stories about what was happening outside of the hospital.

"...So yeah, basically Laf and Herc are together now, so that's nice!" I smiled. Then realized he was long asleep.

"We came as soon as we heard!" I heard the hamilsquad yell as they all barged in.

"He's still asleep? I thought you said he was awake!" Peggy complained.

"Well, he was, but then he fell asleep again," I sighed.

"Well at least he's still alive, I don't know what any of us would do without him," Eliza said sweetly

"Oh, and Eliza?"


"Fire that maid who looks a lot like you,"




"For Hamilton's sake,"

She looked confused, but didn't say anything else.

"By the way, I brought baguettes for everyone!" Laf explained.

We all rummaged through his bag, to find only five, not nine.

"There's not enough for everyone!" Peggy yelled.

"Oh, well I was thinking you could share with your partner," Laf wiggled his eyebrows. "And if you don't have a partner, then more food for you!"

"Yay, more food for me!" Angelica exclaimed, holding her baguette up high.

"Hey, Alex isn't awake, so more food for me too!" I joked.

We all ate our baguettes happily, waiting for Alex to wake up again.

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