Camping (part two)

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John POV

"John, wake up! It's time to go for the hike!" Eliza exclaimed, shaking me. I also noticed Alex wasn't there, I guessed he had already woken up.

"Ugh, fine," I replied shortly.

"Good! Now get dressed, everyone's waiting," Eliza commanded, then she left.

I threw on some jeans and a T-shirt then headed out.

"John, there you are! Laf and I are your hiking buddies," Alex informed me, gesturing towards Laf talking to Angelica.

"Cool beans,"

We got into our groups then walked in separate directions. Alex, Laf, and I took the northern path into the mountains, it was going great until Laf and Alex into a fight.

"I'm just saying that we should go left!" Alex argued. We had lost the map somewhere and there was no way of knowing which way was right.

"No, we need to go right. It's the right way, because it's right. Pun intended," Laf shot back.

"That's the dumbest point anybody has ever made! No wonder you're related to Jefferson,"

"Can you please stop comparing me to my brother?! That's it, I'm leaving!" Laf yelled, running away into the right path.

I noticed the guilt and fear in Alex's eyes and decided to reassure him,
"He'll be okay, let's just go this way." I gestured towards the left path. He simply nodded and followed me.

We continued on our way, and things seemed to be getting better, but then it started storming. He didn't say a word, but he was shaking, a lot.

"Alex, are you still afraid of storms?" I asked.

"N-No! Why would you think that? I'm too old for that stuff,"

"I mean, it's fine if you are. I won't judge-"

"I'll prove it to you! I'll go find Laf, all by myself!" Alex exclaimed, voice cracking. I could practically smell the fear, but he ran off before I could say anything else. What had I done?"

- a few hours later -

I was completely lost, and the evening was arriving quickly. I tried to stay calm, but my heartbeat was too loud to hear what my brain had to say about the situation.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps nearby. My eyes followed the sound, and I was hit with instant relief to see who it was.

"Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy! Thank the lord, I'm lost and I can't find Laf or Alex!" I said, their faces filling with dread.

"Oh no, this is bad. Especially since it's storming," Eliza replied.

"Don't you have our phones? Or at least a map?" I asked.

"Left the phones at camp, and I lost my map too," Eliza answered.

We ended up just splitting up, so we cover more land. I went with Eliza, while Angelica and Peggy went a different way.

"Y'know, Alex really likes you," Eliza said, making sure we were far away from the other two.

"Yeah, he's one of my best friends,"

"No, he likes you more than that. He's been begging me to make sure you guys do everything together. He even broke up with his girlfriend for you," Eliza explained.

"And how do you know he did that for me?" I asked.

"He told me. He also told me he had a crush on you,"

"No, no, no. Doesn't he know I'm dating someone else?"

"Yes, but I still ship Lams,"

"Can't you support my current relationship?! Alex and I was just a dumb idea made by my dumb college brain!" I yelled.

"Yes but-"

"I'm going to look somewhere else, we obviously can't get along right now," I said coldly, then walked away.

So much for a little camping trip with my friends.

No more than twenty minutes of walking did I hear someone running after me.

"John! John! I found everyone else!" Alex exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank you, I was getting kinda worried," I smiled lightly.

I don't know what happened in that moment, but I realized something: I liked him back.

Alex POV

The entire group had rejoiced, and had decided to stuff our faces full with food. Conversations were all over the place, like they used to be. It was peaceful, other than the fact Eliza was glaring at John the whole time.

"Hey John, why is Eliza giving you the stink eye?" I whispered.

"I'll explain some other time,"

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