Fight to the death (not really)

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Alex POV

I woke up feeling surprisingly cozy and warm, and realized John was asleep next to me. He seemed so much more stress free and relaxed compared to last night, which put a satisfied smile on my face. I made him feel better. In fact however, he made me feel good in a way too. Just knowing a man like him loved me was all I needed in life. Well, also a legacy, and money of course, but my point still stands.

I slowly stood up and felt that warm, loving hug disappear. I needed to find Jack, and give him what he deserves. I got dressed and headed out. Thankfully, I had met him before and knew where he lived. I walked a few blocks before reaching his apartment. I walked up the metal stairs up to his place and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Jack answered, his voice sour.

"Okay first of all, you're an asshole. And second of all, how dare you fucking hurt John?! If you're his boyfriend you should care about him, and you did the exact opposite!" I yelled.

"Hold on, slow down. I don't know what you're taking about," He lied.

"Oh yeah, sure you don't! You're awfully lucky I'm not punching you in the face right now! By the way, before I leave, I'd just like to let you know John will be breaking up with you," I said, smugly.

"How do you even know he wants that?"

"Because he's my boyfriend, and I actually love him," I said before walking off. Now I don't have eyes in the back of my head, but I knew he had a shocked expression on his face.

I walked to my apartment once more and opened the door. John was awake now.

"Alex, where have you been?" John asked, walking up to me.

"I had a discussion with your ex boyfriend," I answered shortly.

"Please tell me you didn't fight him,"

"I only yelled at him,"

"Okay, I hope so,"

I could see the worry in his eyes. I just wanted to drown him in kisses and tell him everything was fine because we were dating, but something was off with him.

"John, can we just go back to sleep?" I asked, I was surprisingly tired all of a sudden.

"Omg, I never thought you'd say that, and yes of course," He answered, laughing a bit.

Then we walked into my room and flopped onto the bed. I instantly placed myself in his arms, and was fast asleep.

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