At the hospital

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John POV

"You can see him in twenty minutes," the nurse told us.

The entire hamilsquad was at the hospital, crying our asses off.

"Is he awake?!" Peggy sobbed.

"Well, not exactly. He should be waking up soon though," the nurse assured us in her monotone, but sorrowful voice.

"John, I'm really sorry. I hope he's okay," Angelica whispered.

"It's fine, you don't have to apologize," my voice matched the tempo of hers.

"Do you know why he did this?" Herc asked.

"We were in a fight, but he wasn't telling me anything," I said, remembering the phone. I decided it wasn't the right time, and continued listening to everyone's condolences.

"Alright, he's ready," I different doctor told us.

My heart pounded as my shaky legged friends and I walked to Alex's room.

The doctor ushered us in, and I heard the sobbing grow louder as my friends looked at Alex's unconscious body. I could barely bring myself to look up at him, but I did. I was terrified by what I saw.

Alex was asleep, and cords were hooked up to him so he wouldn't stop breathing. He was paler than I had ever seen a human to be, and the heart monitor was slow, and unsteady.

"Oh my- John, I'm so sorry!" Eliza buried her face into my chest while hugging me.

"I- it's okay Eliza, he'll get better," I reassured her.

But I'm not even sure if I calmed myself down in those moments.

"Only one person can stay for the night. Who would like to?" A nurse asked.

Everyone pointed to me.

"It's settled then. You can visit for a few hours tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay," the group said in unison, then went on their way.

The nurses hooked a few more things to Alex, then left us alone.

I slept in a nearby chair, not wanting to mess up the cords. I barely slept.

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