Limited Time Only☆

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Thank you for those who sent in their suggestions! I will be resuming on writing next week after finals!


Sorry to bother you with the confusing title, but this is certainly not a click bait! ㅋㅋ

Since I only have a week left for school, I decided to come back from my hiatus and write once again.


I know I promised the end of the year one shots, but unfortunately, I CAN'T REMEMBER A SINGLE THING THAT HAPPENED ㅠㅠ

I really wanted to, but unless somebody helps me out, I can't relive that moment and my feelings for those events. Hence, writing a fanfiction for it would be impossible now ㅠㅠ

That's why I'm doing this special survey for you all! ♡ Since BTS and RedVelvet aren't actually having interactions for now, I can't really write anything that's happening.

So if you'd like to help me out here, I would appreciate if you'd suggest any one shot plots you might want to read, OR! help me out with remembering the past KBS or whatever event you'd like.

Genre/Ships(only two please)/The Event or your own fiction/style(msgs, vlive, oneshot, pov)/PICTURES♡

I'll take suggestions until Saturday, May 5th. And my decisions will be revealed next week, after my school is done! T^T

So please comment your ideas right now! Ofcourse I'll reach out to you if I'd like to use it, and I'll certainly credit you in the chapter.

It would be nice to support and suggest the ideas of someone else; and if someone else already suggested the idea, I would pick the first one who commented.

I usually don't interact with my readers, but I hope we all have fun with this.

For now, I have to go back and stress out with my finals. So when I return, I hope that I'll get responses from all of you! ♡


P.s. I'm in a specially good mood today because of two people who posted the same day, with some aesthetically pleasing pictures.

I just had to edit them ㅋㅋ

I just had to edit them ㅋㅋ

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