chapter 24

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I wake up the next morning due to light streaming in my windows burning my eyes making my head pound.

What happened last night?

I look around my room confused. Coughing against my scratchy throat tells me i need a drink. Throwing the covers off me i climb out of my warm bed, the cold hitting my bare legs. my feet landing on something lumpy producing a deep groan from below.

What was that?

I look over the edge of my bed to find Nick, Abbie and Dylan all huddled on the floor, blinking awake from the noise.

"Huh whats going on" Abbie groans. Not the greatest morning person.

I try to talk but nothing comes out except a hoarse noise.

"Ill get you some water" Nick grumbles standing up rubbing his eyes and kissing Abbies head before staggering out of the room.

"Your parents are worried Ave. getting a knock in the middle of the night to find us carrying their sleeping daughter in our arms and had obviously been crying. What happened Avery?" Abbie asks now more awake watching me intently with worry in her eyes.

Nick came back into the room with a glass of water. I grabbed it quickly and gulped half it down.

I tried to talk again this time it came out more clear just abit scratchy.

"It doesnt matter, i over reacted" i tell them but none of them believe my lie.

Abbie already knows i like Grey but i think even she will be surprised by my reaction last night. I mean i werent expecting him to take me with open arms, but one arguament and he goes into bed with another girl but that still didn't warrant the break down I had. it didn't hit me how much I liked him until I saw him with someone else.

Why did I agree to the arrangement. This could all have been avoided.

"Are you sure? i mean we saw you run out crying and then the way we found you last night, that werent nothing Avery" Nick decides to ask with concern in his tone. Without waiting for a reply he continues with a suggestion.

"Do you want me to get Grey?"

My heart completely stopped for a moment but i composed myself quickly.

"Why would i need Grey when ive got some of my best friends here. Seriously, how about call Eddie and we do something just us" i ask hopefully.

They must see something in my expression as they sigh in defeat and Dylan nods taking out his phone and sending a text.

"So whats the plan?" Dylan asks.

"Hmm what about the lake?" I suggest

"Too cold"

"The movies" Nick suggest

"Nothing out"

"Shopping?" Abbie asks lighting up

"Boring" we all groan leaving Abbie to cross her arms to sulk.

"What about the theme park?" I suggest, only half enthused thinking id get shot down again, but im met with 3 smiling faces.

"Theme park it is, but how will we get there?" I ask

"We can either ask our parents for a lift or train?" Nick tells us.

I smile mischievously at them before standing up and walking downstairs. I found my parents in the kitchen drinking cups of tea. When they hear me come in they stand up worried.

"What happened last night Avery" my dad asks worriedly.

"Nothing daddy" i tell him playing my best innocent act. "But i was wondering if you could take us to thorpe park to cheer us all up"

Immediately i could tell my dad was about to protest but my mum cut in.

"Thats a wonderful idea, and whilst your there me and your father can find something to do just us"

I take my win and rush upstairs with a quick thanks in my mums direction.

I knew everyone heard so i werent surprised when they rushed to leave to get changed for the day.

Not even an hour later, my parents, Abbie, Nick, Dylan, Eddie and i were all piled into my dads car on the road. I was allowed full control of the music so putting on upbeat songs me and Abbie sing along loudly getting in the mood. Nick smiling lovingly in her direction.

Its good he can fit in nicely without Grey being here. Maybe today would be fun.

And i wasnt wrong. The day went great. No issues, no awkwardness, no arguments. It was all laughing , joking and thrills. All of us were thrill seekers so we didnt slow the pace down for anyone and we didnt leave until closing where my parents were waiting with amiles on their faces. Whatever they did today was definitely good for them.


Monday morning rolled around and i had decided that i wasnt going to just sulk around anymore. If my parents were anything to go by, getting older means less free time to enjoy so im going to enjoy my time and forget the drama of the past.

The day started of great. Sun shining, warm heat. No signs of it getting cold. So preparing for the day i wore a skirt and sunglasses. Im in such a good mood today.

I didnt realise how gloomy i had been recently until nearly everyone that recognised me had to do double takes on me smiling again. I felt like the old me again and it felt good.

Grey had been caught staring at me a few time but nothing more than a few looks until lunch time.

"Avery can i talk to you" i hear a voice say from behind me.

"No" i state putting on my sunglasses and laying flat on my back on the grass.

I feel someone standing in the way on my sun.

"Fine everyone here knows anyway. You told me no emotions Avery" he tells me exasperated.

"One. Actually not everyone knows" i say pointing to Eddie who looks confused. "And i know i said no emotions Grey—" but he interrupts me before i can continue.

"You said no emotions. I kiss you on the top of the Eiffle Tower, you suddenly run off, then come into my hotel room the next morning apologising with the excuse you said no emotions. I never said anything about emotions on the Eiffle tower yet you left" he shouts throwing his hands in the air.

I sit back up leaning on my elbows looking him in the eyes.

"You dont get it do you" i ask but i get my answer in the confusion in his eyes.

"Its not your emotions, its mine" i shout back. I take a breathe to calm myself down before continuing. "Everything was fine. And then on the Eiffle tower, the way you were. It was weird how my body reacted, then when you kissed me, all my emotions hit me and my heart started pounding. I got scared. Im the one that said no emotions yet im the one that fucking got them so i ran. I tried to explain the next morning but you went cold. And then i walk in on you and... i dont know her name. i didnt run because of you, i ran because of me" i explain before standing up and doing what i do best- run. Well walk away.

As i left i saw Bex and Tyler stood nearby looking shocked, evident they had heard enough.

"My brother Avery, youre screwing my brother" Bex exclaims causing a few peoples heads to turn our way.

I paused for a second looking at them then back at Grey and then back to them again wondering if i should explain. But then i shake my head and leave. Were not friends anymore.
"And apparently im the slut" she shouts after me

"Avery" i hear Grey call after me completely ignoring his sisters outburst but i just ignore him and carry on walking away.

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