Chapter 23

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The next day in Paris went by quickly. We had to do a few educational tasks. Like asking shop keepers in french for a number of items on a list we had been given to test our language skills. But it was still fun to do. Before i knew it it was the last night here before we head back tomorrow.

I called Dylan and Eddie into mine and Abbies hotel room to get them to help get Abbie ready for her date.

"How are you feeling" Dylan asks Abbie.


"You will be fine" i tell her

"If he hurts you in any way tell us we will hurt him twice as hard" Eddie tells her seriously, but you can see the amused glint in his eyes.

"right first makeup" i tell her pushing her into a chair. Grabbing everything we own i start to work. I do a smokey cut crease to accentuate her eyes. Before continuing to do a natural look.

I then do her hair. I love when her hair is thick but in loose waves. And it goes perfectly well with her dress.

Her dress is a very bold teal colour with black detailing. She has a simple pair of black heels and a black costume necklace to bring the whole thing together.

Just as im clasping the necklace theres a knock at our hotel room door. I look at Dylan and Eddie all gidily. I then risk a glance at Abbie who looks on the verge of a panic.

"Calm down abs. You look stunning and your in Paris on a date. It cant get better than this" i smile at her whilst handing her purse to her.

She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath before opening her eyes and smiling. excitement bubbling within her. She launches into me and hugs me before rushing to the door and pulling the door open to find Nick there in a simple black dress shirt and dark blue jeans holding a single red rose. Its romantic and simple. Its not like they will let her take a bunch of flowers with her tomorrow on the way home.

Giving them their privacy i turn to the boys before i hear the door shut.

"Im so happy for her, she deserves it" i tell them.

"Yeah she does" Dylan agrees with a sinple smile.

"Speaking of being happy, somethings wrong with you" Dylan tells me raising an eyebrow im question.

"Alots going on" i shrug glancing at Eddie hoping Dylan takes the hint.

"Im glad you two have gotten close" i tell them both after a moments silence. "It must get boring being around girls all the time" i explain to Dylan. Before Tyler and Abbie got together, Dylan was the only boy in our group for years. And then when Tyler joined because of Abbie there was another boy, but even then, his attention was mainly on Abbie so there wasnt much of a bond between Tyler and Dylan. So Dylan having a close guy friend is exactly what he needs.

They look at eachother, share a secretive smile before diving into me launching all of us onto the floor in a fit of laughter.

"I fucking love you guys" i tell them standing up after we all have calmed down.

"Now what would you all like to do?" I ask

"Well have you found a french guy yet" Eddie asks jokingly

"Yeah hes hiding under the bed waiting for you two to leave" i joke.

"Wait seriously?" Eddie asks confused looking under mine and Abbies beds

"Arw Eddie, no not seriously. Honestly if i found a french guy i wouldnt be spending my last night in Paris in my hotel room with you two" i tell him.

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