Chapter 11

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I woke up monday morning blistfully unaware.

After getting myself ready, i picked my phone up off the floor to find no lasting damage but a flat battery where it wasnt charged last night.

Fuck now ive got to go the day with a dead phone. Putting my charger in my bag hoping i have time in the day to charge it abit, i leave the house and make my way to school.

I dont know what it was but something in the air felt different. Shrugging my shoulders i make my way into the school building and straight to registration in english block.

Just as i turnt the corner to my room the air was so thick with tension i could cut it with a knife.

Outside of the room stood Bex, Greyson, Abbie and a few other classmates including Liam.

Abbie glaring at Bex, who has her gaze set on the floor.

Grey glaring at Liam who looked smugly back but his black eye standing out. I guess Dylan done some damage.

As i stepped into view, all eyes snapped to me and suddenly all hell broke loose





"DONT CALL HER A FUCKING BITCH" Grey screamed back at Liam. Suddenly Liams anger got directed to Grey and i lost track of what went on there but then i got attacked from both Abbie and Bex.

"Girls, what the fuck is going on" i asked both Abbie and Bex.

"You said i had until today to tell her and you didnt even give me that" Bex angrily told me.

Before i even had the chance to answer Abbie did for me.

"She didnt tell me jack shit, i was with Tyler where he was playing the loving boyfriend when he suddenly got a text from Avery telling him to tell me or she will. I had to find out like that." She told Bex. She then turnt her attention to me. "I cried to you, i cried. You knew about them but you didnt tell me" she cried, her voice cracking towards the end telling me she was close to tears again.

"I found out Saturday Abs i swear. I told them to tell you by today like decent humans or i would. And i would have, you have to believe me Abs i didnt want to be the one to tell you, im sorry" i told her hoping she can see the truth.

It seems even when trying to do the right thing, i do the wrong thing.

"Why didnt you just leave it alone Avery, i asked you to wait and talk to me and you didnt" Bex intercepted.

"I didnt say shit. How is it my fault. Im not slagging around with my bestfriends boyfriend. And Tyler shouldnt be cheating in the first fucking place. How was i supposed to know Abbie would read Tylers texts?" I glared at her whilst grinding my teeth.

By now everyones attention was on us including Greys and Liams.

"Not so popular now are we Avery" Liam gloated with a smirk on his face.

"Ive still got more friends than you have after that stunt friday" i shot back. I swear i saw a flash of guilt in his eyes before he masked it with a stoic expression.

"How is it you can be a slut and frigid at the same time Avery" he replied walking closer to me.

"Excuse me?" I demanded. "I would have to sleep with every fucker to be a slut yet i didnt sleep with you, and just because i didnt sleep with you, doesnt mean im frigid you fucking dip shit"

By now we were inches away from eachother.

"No you didnt sleep with me, but you did sleep with someone else that night didnt you" he took a step back and kept on his usual smirk. I quickly glanced to Greyson to see he had gone stiff. Noone else noticed but i did.

Shit did he see Grey?

Before the conversation went any further Mr Lewis opened the classroom door and told everyone to take their seats. I wasnt looking forward to sitting next to liam for the next 20 minutes.

Not long after sitting down i felt a hot breath fan my ear.

"So who was mr mystery? Why would you fuck him and not me aye" he whispered in my ear and slightly nipping it.

"Id fuck anyone thats not you" i hissed back.

"Ahh thats not nice sweetheart, now who is it? Wait. No. Let me guess? Dylan? Greyson? They seem awfully protective of you?"

I stiffened at the mention of Greyson, but i dont think Liam noticed as he rambled on.

"What about Tyler, he seems to like his girlfriends bestfriends"

"Why does it matter, im not the only girl who fucks peoples at parties" i hissed trying to end the conversation. I noticed Greyson seems to be listening in as he stiffens and relaxes at certain points. But his whole body and jaw went rigid at his next sentance.

"I dont want to fuck those other girls, thats why it matters, i want you" he stated gruffly, louder than he expected as he had the whole classes attention now including Mr Lewis.

Before the teacher could say anything i made sure to get the last word in.

"Well youre not getting me, so get that through your thick head"

"Mr Sole, Miss Stead come back to see me at lunchtime please" Mr lewis shouted slamming books down on his desk to claim the classes attention again. I have no idea what he was rambling about so i tuned him out.

What Liam said made me think though. He doesnt know who im sleeping with. But Abbie sure does and shes pissed at me for not telling her straight away.

Will she tell anyone? More specifically Bex, use it as a weapon against her? Or did she tell Tyler when she found out? I mean he was her boyfriend?

Speaking of Abbie and Tyler, im guessing she broke up with him.

A knock on my desk broke me out of my internal question list.

Looking up i noticed the class was empty except me and Grey. Grey being the one who knocked on my desk.

Smiling greatfully i stood up and walked with him to my next class.

We walked in silence until we were outside of our classroom door that everyone was inside already.

"Hey Ave" he spoke softly as he brushed abit of hair behind my ear. "Dont worry about Liam, he will not touch you, and he wont find out about us. I promise" he smiled sincerely

He took a quick scan of the halls and upon noticing it was empty he gave me a deep kiss and groped my ass just for effect before winking and walking into the classroom smoothly, me following behind.

"Youre late"

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