Chapter 7

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Making my way around the house i grab a drink and look for my friends.

I find Bex and Dylan in the basement laughing amongst themselves.

"Hey guys" i greet joining them in their corner

"Where have you been" Dylan questions. "Noone has seen you in over an hour"

Swallowing the guilt of lying to my bestfriends i smile and quip out a quick excuse

"Well they must have been blind as ive been around"

It looks as if he just buys that lie. Im getting good at this.

"Where are Abbie and Tyler, i havent seen them in a while either" i ask. Not like i was really looking for them in Greysons bed.

"Tyler took Abbie home. She said she wernt feeling well, but i dont know, somethings wrong with her emotionally Ave" Bex explained worryingly to me.

"Just let her know we will be here for her if she ever needs us Bex, its all i can say really" i shrug whilst grabbing a bottle of beer from the mini fridge. "Lets go upstairs and join the main party" i tell them. Without waiting for a reply i turn and make my way up the steps and immediately being greeted by louder music and deeper bass

When in the living room i look back to make sure they followed me . Once confirmed i led us into the centre of the dancefloor and immediately let the beat carry us away.

Hands in the air
Dark room
Hips swaying
Flashing disco lights
Hair flowing
Beat dropping
Bodies grinding
Sweat forming

Grabbing Bex hand i pulled her close so our legs entwined and our hips ground against eachother, bringing her closer i put my hands around her neck and grinned cheekily at her.

I dont know if it was me or her, wether it was the effects of the alcohol or the adrenaline or all of the above my next thing i knew our tongues were down eachothers throats and nearly every guy in linesights hollaring in aproval, but above them all i could hear one cheering me on. Weird considering im making out with his sister when i was just in his bed.

Someone must have taken me kissing a girl as something more than it was as next thing i know i felt hands on my waist trying to make me grind them instead.

Looking over my shoulder i see someone who looks familiar.

"Liam what are you doing?" I ask cautiously

"You look smoking babe" he slurs drunkenly in my ear. Thats all it took for me to try and wiggle my way out of his grip, but he wasnt letting go, his grip just got tighter.

"Hey liam let go"

He either didnt hear or chose to ignore me, so being more assertive i tried again.

And again.

And again.

But every time his grip just got tighter. His eyes connected with mine and i saw a fire within them ive never seen on him before.

"Liam please let go your hurting me" i cried trying to get his hands off of me

"Oh come on Avery, dont be a tease" he said to me showing what i think was meant to be a cheeky grin but came across as menacing.

"Liam-" before i even had a chance to finish my contests he smashed his lips sloppily against mine. Turning my head side to side to try and get him off me, but him being stubborn kept his lips smothering mine.

Right thats it.

Lifting my knee i swung it back with the intentions to kick him in his baby makers but just as i was about to swing forward there was a sudden loss of contact which i cant say i wasnt grateful for.

When my eyes adjusted i notice someone having a hold of Liam and chucking them on the floor making sure to chuck him so that my saviour was between us.


Arw ever my knight in shining armour. But in the background i notice Greyson being held back by some people. Throwing daggers liams way whilst trying to get out of the grip he was ahold of.

"She told you to get the fuck off her" Dylan growled.

I couldnt see Liam to see how he was reacting but whatever he was doing was just making Dylan angrier.

"You think this is fucking funny, you ASSULTED my BEST friend. Do you know what that means"

Again i didnt hear or see a reaction but i did see Dylan throw a punch and judging by the shaking of his wrist im guessing it connected.

"You fucking touch her again and i swear what Dylan did will be nothing compared to what i do"

My head whipped round to see Greyson still being restrained but looking so angry as he stared Liams way.

I felt useless just standing here so i walked over to Greyson and laid my hand on his arms. His eyes shot in my direction like he didnt know i was even there until i touched him.

"Im okay Grey, im fine" i faintly smile at him.

"That prick assulted you Avery, that is not fine"

"No but hes not worth it Grey, just let it go, hes drunk" disconnecting our eyes and looking around the room i suddenly saw the weight of a room full of questioning gazes, but the heaviest coming from Dylan and Bex. I just shrugged as a response.

I guess noones really seen us be this way with eachother.

Trying to get the attention of us i move toward Dylan to give him a hug.

"Like i said Dyl, im okay" i smile at him.

"What was that all about?" I heard Bex behind us.

I turned around to see her gesturing towards Greyson who now is escorting the party out of the house.

"We may not be friends, but we have the occasional decent conversation, weve known eachother years and im your bestfriend. He was probably just looking out for me, like he would you" i tried to reason.

"Its seems like more, the way he looked and responded to you, but i guess youre right" she shrugged.

I turned my head again and found Grey was already looking in my direction. I smiled greatfully and sent a nod his way.

Although his eyes showed concern, he still smiled back before turning back to what he was doing.

"Come on lets go bed, its been a long night" Bex told us before trudging her way upstairs leaving me and Dylan to follow.

"Hey what happened with Nick earlier Bex?" I questioned, suddenly remembering my Bestfriends boy problems.

"Nothing really we danced a little, laughed , and he asked me out on a date again, saying he wasnt scared of Grey" she told me walking into her bedroom.

"And..." i inquired.

"And i said yes" she told us shyly.

"Thats cute Bex"

"Yeah, im happy for you" Dylan agreed.

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