Chapter 1

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Authors note- picture of Avery shown
Un edited so probably tons of mistakes. Sorry



"Avery steed if you would just pay attention in my class, you are not here to daydream"

"With all due respect, im not exactly here by choice either miss" i quickly retort.

The class stays quiet during the exchange but you can clearly see the amused expressions on most students faces.

"Then leave" she replies cooly, but the vein throbbing on her forhead shows otherwise.

"If only it were that simple miss, but it is the law that i attend this hell hole, therefor i cannot just up and leave when i please no matter what my heart desires"

~ring ring~

That was the definition of saved by the bell as i quickly pack up my english supplies and dart out of the door in record time before miss dolan can even utter the word "detention"

"You're gonna put that woman in an early grave one day you know" my best friend Bex snickered catching up to me as we walk into the courtyard

"I swear she targets me, anyway i gotta dash as im buying lunch today, ill meet you there" i quickly tell her as i speedwalk to the food hall without waiting for a reply. Cant be looking too desperate now can i.

Joining the queue i hope i got there in time. At this school if youre not in the queue within the first couple of minutes all the good stuff is gone. And today that good stuff just so happens to be pizza.
Once at the front of the queue i dash for a tray and hop to the pizza counter.

1 slice of cheesy pepperoni goodness left.

"Ill take that" a husky voice says whilst reaching over making reach for the last slice, showing me the sleave of a leather jacket

"Over my dead body" i snap back also reaching for the plate.

We both grab it at the same time as we pull it back and forth between eachother fighting for possesion.

"You werent anywhere near me in the queue anyway, i was here first so its my slice of pizza"

"Always the lady Avery, you should know by now, i dont like rules, therefor i dont like queues. First come first serve in my eyes"

"Ugh whatever but i was here first so first come first serve means that pizza is rightfully mine"

"Fighting over food, where are your manners. What would your mother say. tut tut" was his ever sarcastic reply.

"I swear your only language is sarcasm" i reply.

"That and bedroom talk, i can show you that aswell" ofcourse. He always manages to try and fit in a flirtatious reply. He wouldnt be him without one.

Giving up without giving him the satisfaction of a reply, i go to the fridge and grab a blt sandwich and a bottle of orange juice and go to the till.

After paying for my second choice lunch i make my way onto the field to join my friends. Every lunch we always go to the same place. Its a spot on the feild that gives us the perfect view of the football feild and basketball court. What a great lunchtime passing, perving on all the players.

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