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      Sting groaned, "Is it really a good idea to separate us? Last time I almost went crazy!" He complained to Minerva. She glared at him, "Yes, it's a good idea! It's tradition that the groom doesn't see his significant other before the wedding. Now, behave and stop acting like a child! You're getting married soon!" She scolded. Sting sighed heavily and slid down the white wall, shaking his leg once he was on the floor. I need him. He held his face in his hands. Knees drawn up. He took a deep breath trying to calm down. Then he leaned back closing his eyes. I wonder if he's doing any better? He sighed.

    Rogue was about to have a panic attack. He kept pacing the bright room, but each lap his heartbeat quickens. "Yukino, I don't know if I can do this!" His voice was shaky and he was about to pour out tears. Yukino came over and stopped him and fixed his white suit. They agreed to wear opposite colors of their magic, Sting wore a black suit and Rogue agreed to wear a white one. "Deep breaths, you can do this. I believe in you. You shouldn't worry, it's Sting. You've been together for forever! Now, even longer!" Rogue calmed down a bit and went to go sit against a wall. I need you Sting. Yukino was worried for him, Just a little longer Rouge then you'll be by him.

    The music started. Everyone stood. Their FairyTail friends and friends from other guilds were there. Natsu, he was Sting's best man. Gajeel was Rogue's. Natsu looked around the crowd, he finally locked eyes with Gray. They smiled at each other. Natsu winked at him.  Gray blushed and rubbed his tummy a little. Natsu smiled bigger and his heart fluttered. Then he turned his attention back to the wedding. Soon he saw little Asuka coming down the aisle with flower petals. Lector, Happy, Lily, and Carla all right beside her. Sting smiled at all of them. When Rogue mentioned who he wanted the flower girl to be, Sting knew he couldn't say no to Asuka. The first time they met her after the Grand Magic Games, Rogue instantly had a soft spot for her, just like what he has with Frosch. He even helped babysit her a couple times too when Natsu couldn't. Asuka instantly liked Rogue. Sting smiled at the memory. Then the wedding march played, and he finally got to see Rogue. Their eyes locked. His breath caught. He's so handsome. Was the first thought that popped up. Rogue blushed when he saw Sting staring at him. Makarov walked with him. They made it to the altar and Makarov gave him away to Sting. Rogue carefully handed Gajeel his black and white roses then turned to Sting. They smiled at each other. Both of them now much calmer being near each other once again. It was time for vows.

   "....you're my everything Sting. My light to my darkness. Yin to my yang. First everything. You've helped through my darkest times. Pulled me out of my shadows. I'm glad I have you. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. You complete me." Rogue finished. Both had tears down their faces already. Sting was more of a mess than Rogue, but that doesn't matter right now, right now, he's just happy to be with the one he loves in this moment. "Rings please," soon everyone saw a green and pink cat walking happily down the aisle with their rings. Rogue smiled at Frosch. He knew he made the right choice. He could never say no to Frosch after all. Frosch handed them the rings and then went where Gray was and Gray picked him up, holding him close smiling. They put the rings on. "You may now ki..." Before he could even finish the sentence, Sting was already kissing Rogue. Soft but desperate, especially after being separated for a few hours. The crowd cheered. But they zoned out and continued kissing. "I now pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Cheney-Eucliffe!" They smiled through the kiss. They're finally married.

The end

Author's note

Some Stingue flufff!😊 Enjoy!😊

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