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"Annnd here's the popcorn." Gray said as he entered the living room. Natsu was on the couch covered in blankets, ready for their annual movie date nights. Since it's Halloween, they decided on watching a scary movie, which Natsu insisted he will not get scared this time, Gray didn't believe him but agreed anyway. Mainly cause he just wanted to cuddle. Gray sat the popcorn and drinks down and moved to the couch and wrapped around Natsu and pulled him to his chest. Natsu snuggled closer to him. Lights were off and they were ready to start. "Ready?" Gray looked at Natsu. "Yep." Then the movie started.

Time skip

   They were half way through the movie. Gray was fine. Natsu, however, was trembling and koalafied Gray, with blankets over his head. Gray tightened his hold on Natsu. "I told you so." He got a smack as a reply. He chuckled. Soon, the movie was over, and they started cleaning up and get ready for bed. Gray disappeared into the kitchen. Natsu was still in the living room putting up blankets. Then, "BOO!" "Ahhh!" Natsu jumped about ten feet in the air. Gray started laughing. "Gray!" Natsu whined. "Not funny." He pouted. Gray came over wrapped his arms around Natsu from behind and put his head on his shoulder. "Told you, you would get scared after watching that movie." Natsu whined again, "Shut Up." Gray grinned. "Ready for bed?" Natsu nodded. They went to their room and Natsu got in the bed, the blankets covering all of him except his eyes. "Close all the doors." Natsu demanded. Gray did, then got in bed with Natsu. He wrapped around him. Then turned to turn off his lamp. His arm having to come off Natsu. "Don't go." Natsu reaches for him. Gray looked at him. "Don't worry, I'm just turning off the lamp. I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." "Good." Gray wrapped around once again. "You sure you're good?" He got a nod. He went with it and with that, they fell asleep. Natsu tightening his grip on Gray sometime during the night.

The end

Author's Note

Happy (very late) Halloween! Hope you enjoyed some Gratsu fluff😊👻

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