✨~Gratsu~Predator!Gray Prey!Natsu~✨

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     Gray was out hunting again. He was running out of food for his den that he made for himself. He went through the forest to his usual spot. But halfway there, his place didn't feel right. Something was off. He growled and stayed low until he found the source of that delicious, unknown scent. Gray sniffed the ground, whining. Then he stopped. Very alert. Ears perked up, a paw lifted. He heard a whine that wasn't his own. It was a small one. He finally spotted where the sound was coming from. Gray stared at it for a few minutes, then cautiously stalked towards the very young fox. But as he did, the fox stopped all movement and held his breath. He must know I'm an enemy. When Gray got into the foxes view, the fox looked at him carefully. Usually, Gray would attack right then and there, but this one, this one made him curious and want to explore. He also noticed that the fox hadn't made a move to run from him either. That's when he spotted his injury. A leg was trapped in a claw like machine and there was blood. Lots of it. Gray whined again. But soon he finally stepped towards the fox carefully. He lowered his nose once he got close the foxes fur near his neck. Gray started sniffing. Everywhere. His tail wagged. The fox was still cautious about moving. Then Gray finally got to his leg. He whined again. Soon he started biting the claw and tried to pull it off. Once he did, he started to lick the leg until most of the blood was gone. He gave one last lick and nuzzled the foxes neck again. The fox thumped his tail on the ground thankful for the help. Then he tried to lick the wolf's nose. The wolf accepted it and licked back. After a few minutes of getting to know the fox better, Gray had decided to help him and carry him to his den and keep him warm until he was healed. He got to his home and gently sat the fox near the fire, close enough to feel the heat. Soon after, Gray circled and finally settled down behind the fox and cuddled into him from behind and wrapped his tail around him. Feeling the extra warmth, the fox was getting better already.

The end

Author's note

Some Gratsu fluff!😊 Enjoy!😊

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