Chapter 30

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             Angela's POV

I looked around me and found myself in a middle of a forest.

The side I was facing was so beautiful, it had huge pretty colorful flowers with tall and big trees and even there was water flowing from a waterfall.

Then I heard a sound from one of the places behind me.

When I turned around almost fear took over me.

This side of the forest was so not nice. Its trees were broken into half, there were no living flowers remaining there and the sky was dark and gloomy. There was a waterfall, but it's water was dried up and there were dead fishes unlike the beautiful side which had living fishes playing around.

I forgot I turned around because I heard something, I was confused about why one side of the forest is dark and gloomy, while the other side is beautiful and full of living things.

Then I heard the sound again, I think it's a baby, but what would a baby do here alone and not just in here even its voice is coming from the dark and gloomy side.

I slowly went toward there and saw a cute little girl coming my way, she was so pretty.

With her brown hair and brown eyes she looked like someone.

I stared at her for a moment and then, OMG!

She is-

"Mommy," she said and ran toward me.

I got down on my knees and opened my arms for my little Angel.

Once in my arms I looked closely at her, she had the same hair and eyes as me, and her smile/laugh was exactly like my dad's. And her nose was my mom's nose, and I guess the other things she got it from her bastard dad.

I kissed her all over her body again and again, with happy tears streaming down my face.

Then she stopped me from kissing her, I was shocked as to why would a one or two year old would stop me from kissing her.

She looked at me and said, "me is happy, and you will happy too. Okay mommy?"

Oh my little Angel, she's telling me to be happy, but how I can when she's not with me?

A tear fell down from my eyes and this time it was not a happy one.

She put her little hand on my face in the place of the tear and kissed it.

When she kissed me, I closed my eyes and smiled.

Then I opened my eyes and she was no longer in my arms.

I looked around and there was no sign of her.

"Baby? Where are you?" I kinda shouted.

"Angel!?" I said and was about to break down and cry till I'm left out of tears.

I heard her giggle and a man's chuckle.

It came from the beautiful side of the forest.

I immediately ran toward there, there she was giggling in a man's arms, his back was to me and I couldn't see his face.

"Who are you? Angel, why are you with him? And you-," I pointed at him, "why are you holding my Angel?"

He turned around and I saw his face.

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