Chapter 29

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            Angela's POV

I went to the room they were in and spotted Ryan, "come here."

He jumped in fright upon hearing my voice, guess he was lost in thoughts.

He followed me to the kitchen without letting him talk I started, "so today everything will be over."

He looked surprised and asked, "but weren't we planning to keep them for some days?"

"I changed my mind. Today everything will be over."

With that I left him and went to the room, the bastard and the bitch were kept in.

Sara was about to lose conscious when I entered the room.

I went toward Wesley and removed the tape from his mouth.

"So? How are you Mr. Wesley?"

He just looked at me with eyes full of hate.

"Oh don't worry I hate you too, even more."

"Why? Why did you killed them? You could have killed me." He shouted at me.

"Now where the fun would be in killing you, and by the way don't worry, I will kill you."

He was about to spat in my face when Ryan grabbed his mouth.

"What are you trying to do ha? Spitting in her face? But sweetie that will only make your death more torturous."

He looked at me and asked, "can I?"

I nodded my head at him and he started hitting him.

Punch after punch, then kick after kick.

All his face and body was drenched in blood.

"That's enough." I repeated what he said earlier.

He let go of him and came back behind me.

"Now Ryan sweetheart you sit and watch, and I'll deal with the bitch." I told him with a sweet smile and pushed him till he was on the chair.

I went toward her with a smirk on my face.

The first thing was to slap her hard across the face.

And then I started punching and kicking her all over her body.

After some torturing I stopped and the last thing I did before leaving her mourn in pain was putting my finger in her wound and wiggling it. I smiled maniacally as I wiped my bloody finger by her torn clothes.

"Give me the gun." I ordered the blond asshole and opened my hand for the gun.

"Here," he took it out from his waistband and gave it to me.

I stood before Wesley and aimed the gun at his head.

I started thinking about what will happen if I pull the trigger.

I couldn't think properly, all that was on my mind was having revenge on him.

"Angel, don't do it. Give me the gun, I'll do it." Ryan said and stepped closer to me.

On the other side of the room, Sara was crying her eyes out and was trying to talk, but couldn't.

And Wesley could talk, but he didn't because I guess he wants to die after thinking that his mother, sister, and girlfriend is dead.

I loaded the gun and Ryan came nearer than before.

"Angel, don't. Think about what will happen if you pull the trigger and think about what will happen if you don't. Think about  Kate you're her only friend she will be very sad if you are gone. Think about the kids Brian and Cass, think about how much they love you. What about Milo, he is so cute how can you leave him like that. Think abo-"

"What if I can't think? What if everything that's on my mind is having revenge on him? What if I don't have any hope to live for?  My only hope, the only thing that kept me alive all those years was having revenge on him, and now you're telling me not to? I don't have any reason to live Ryan, so let me do what I've been dreaming of."

"No, no, no. Think about your mom she will be devasted, she can't live without you. How can you do that to her? Think about everyone that loves you, you have to live and not be a criminal. If not anyone think about us, we can be friends. I'm sure there will be one day where your life will be perfect. You'll have a loving husband and cute little Angel's."

I chuckled darkly, "cute little Angel's, ha?"

"Yeah!" He said and stepped closer.

"Oh, Ryan, oh. I wish it was like that. But unfortunately it's not and it won't be like that."

"But why?"

Tears blurred my vision, "because I can never be pregnant again."

He got shocked for a moment and couldn't say anything.

"Ryan, stay away from me and let me do what I want."

I aimed the gun at his head again.

"Fuck." I said because I just couldn't pull the trigger.

"Fuck you Wesley. Fuck you for being at that party that night. Fuck you for talking to me. Fuck you for making sleep with you. Fuck you for taking my virginity away. Fuck you for getting me  pregnant. Fuck you for not being a good guy and help me with raising her. Fuck you for hitting me. Fuck you for taking her away from me. And at last, fuck me for not killing neither you nor a member of your family." I finished with tears streaming down my face.

My throat hurts from all the shouting.

Ryan took the gun from me and hugged me sideways and I started crying on his shoulder for everything that happened in my life.

Wesley looked speechless at what I said.

And then after a moment of silence, Wesley's mom, sister, and girlfriend came in.

Before coming back here I called them and told them to come.

First one was his mom before doing anything she fainted.

Then after her, his sister went toward him and said, "how could you?", and spat on his face.

At last, Catherine walked toward him with eyes full of tears, "shame on you!" She said that and slapped him hard across the face.

He didn't answer any of them, instead looked at them with eyes full of regret.

But I guess now is too late to regret what he has caused.
                Authors Note

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