Chapter 24

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You must listen to the song, but after reading.  
   Angela's POV

I took a deep breath and started, "same as you I was only 16 when it happened, I remember it crystal clear it was a Saturday, I haven't planned on going out that night but my two bestfriends at that time, Hayley and Riley, insisted me on going out that night."

I closed my eyes and continued, "once there I wanted to forget about everything, so I told myself one glass won't do anything, I drank one then it became two then three then four and after that I lost count on how many drinks I had that night.

I was drunk and in need for fresh air, so I went to the garden after some time, a boy came and we talked then it all happened too fast we were inside the house and you know what happened after that I tried to stop him but he said, 'chill I got it covered' and in the morning I couldn't remember anything all I knew was I did a big mistake while being drunk."

"Is that all? Just for sleeping with him you're trying to have revenge on him?" He interrupted me and scoffed.

"I didn't said anything about my story being done." I said through gritted teeth.

"Sorry! You can continue now." He said and made his place more comfortable.

"After some week every morning felt like hell, my mom took me to the doctor and the result was that I was pregnant, I was confused I didn't know what to do, whether to abort the baby or keep it.

My mom supported me with any decision I made, finally I decided to keep the baby.

Wesley, the boy I slept with, from the beginning told me to abort the baby, but I didn't because I loved my little Angel.

Then when only two weeks was left for my little Angel to come into this unfair world, Wesley came to my house because I took him to court cause he refused child support then he told me that I need to give this baby an abort.

You see he's got a girlfriend and he was sure he would listen to her to abort my Angel.

Then he said 'he hates my little Angel' and I pushed him in the table, after that he looked at me and said 'oh now you've really done it' he came toward me and-" I tried not to cry but my eyes were full of tears.

"He kicked me in the stomach again and again then grabbed me by my hair and kicked me one last time, I barely had time to say bye to my little Angel and here's the word that I used to always say 'I feel you kicking little Angel don't worry bout the sorrow cause mommy's gonna be right here until you see tomorrow I feel your life in my stomach I promise I'll protect you cause nobody comes above you and though your dad wants to take your life away you should know I'll never let him cause I tell him everyday you see this life in my stomach regardless if you help me as a father I'mma love it' I -" I couldn't finish what I wanted to say the tears started trickling down.

I covered my face with my hands and cried silently until I felt Ryan pulling me into a hug, "shhh we'll make him regret everything he did."

"He took my little Angel away from me and," I managed to say and got up and went to my bag.

I opened it and took my dad's gun out, "I'm either take his life away or someone he loves." I said my eyes full of hate.

Ryan got up and came toward me, "put the gun down and we'll talk about the plans, but after you rest a bit."

I put the gun on the drawer and layed on the bed, then I felt him getting into the bed with me, I turned around and put my head on his chest crying silently, drenching his shirt with tears, and he put his hand around my waist and murmured things which I didn't exactly know what he said.
                Authors Note
Phew! Finally Angela's past is revealed hope it was worth making you wait for that long.

And sorry if you didn't understand her past clearly if you want to understand it 100% listen to this song (bmike-life in my stomach).
This song is where I got my idea for the story.

Soo I don't know what else to say, and wait for the revenge's thats about to happen.

Thanks for reading the story.
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