Chapter 5

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            Ryan's POV

We were all gathered in Caleb's mansion and we were playing Call Of Duty on his Xbox 360.

By we I mean : the twins (Ethan and Aiden), my little brother and me with Caleb and his little sister, that was the same age of my brother.

"Caleb," Caleb's mom, Mrs. Selin, called him.

"Yes mom," he answered back.

"Cassandra and Bryan want to go to the mall, I can't so you have to take them with your friends."

"Nooo, mom no we are playing," he pouted like a kid.

"Grow up man, don't act like a child," I told him.

"But I wanna playyy," he faked crying.

"No dude, we're leaving either you came or not," Ethan said, getting up.

"Fine," he said crossing his arm and following us.

"We'll go by two car, mine and Caleb's." I told them pointing at our cars.

"Cassandra and Bryan in Caleb's car, Ethan and Aiden in my car."

"No no no I'm not going to be with those two lovebirds, they will kill me with their sweet talks." Caleb looked at us with fake fear in his eyes.

"Okay, okay change of plans we will go with Caleb and the lovebirds will be with you," Aiden said.

"Now we don't want to seperate those two lovebirds, do we?" Ethan said with a smirk.

"For God's sake stop arguing, just get in the car," I told them and got inside the car.

Finally, we reached the mall. Those two, Cassandra and Bryan, couldn't stop talking and be quiet for a minute.

It's obvious they're crazy for each other and when they grow up they will be together.

"Cassandra go buy anything you want with Bryan and meet us at the food court after another two hours," Caleb told his sister.

Well maybe you are wondering why we are telling them to go buy anything they want, it's because we are all extremely rich.

My dad is a business man and my mom is a doctor.

Caleb's mom is a fashion designer, and his dad has a restaurant.

Ethan and Aiden's dad is a business man and their mom is a fashion designer too.

So basically we all live on money.
We got inside the mall and I asked, "What are we going to do for two hours?" I asked.

"Wellll I don't know," Ethan said.
"I don't know either, but first I want some 💿 CD's for my Xbox, so let's go and buy some," Caleb told us.

"What about after that?" Aiden asked.

"We'll  think about it later," Caleb answered back, eager to buy some CD's.

We started looking for the CD store and we found it easily.

"This one looks nice, why won't you buy it?" Ethan said holding a CD 💿.

"What is the name?" I asked.

"Assassin Creed. "

"Yeah, I heard of it it's nice, buy it."

"Okay, I haven't found anything else, so I guess assassin creed is it." Caleb said.

"WatchDog," I yelled.

Caleb jumped from his place and started running like a lunatic girl, because I guess his biggest fear is a 🐶 dog.

"Where is the dog? I can't see it, where did it go?" he asked from behind a CD shelf.

"Who talked about a dog?" I asked him acting innocent.

"You!" he said pointing at me.

"I said watchdog,"

"I know that's why I ran,"

"I wanted to say buy watchdog it's a nice game, but you freaked out before letting me finish my sentence."

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" he asked storming toward me to punch 👊 me.

"Stop there dude," Aiden said holding him.

"He did it on purpose, he knows I'm afraid of it and he's making fun of me." he said annoyed that I got him this time too.

"Just buy the CD's and let's sit somewhere." Ethan said and by the look on his face he was bored.

"Let's go and wait for the kids in the food court." Caleb said while glaring at me and I just chuckled.
After eating, Ethan suggested that we play truth or dare and that's what we are doing right now.

Till now the game is boring and nothing interested happened, when it was my turn I was dared to get a girl's numbers  in less than ten minutes, and it was very simple because considering to my looks I can get every girl's number.

Now is my turn and I'm asking Caleb,"Truth or Dare, Mr. Paul,"
I asked him with a smirk coz I'm about to make the game interesting.

"Dare," he answered back with a smirk of his own.

"You see that girl over there?" I asked him pointing to a girl that was taking out her money to pay for the shoes she was buying.

"Yeah," he said not taking his eyes away from her.

"I want you to steal her backpack."

                  Author's Note

Thanks for reading the story 😊.

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