Chapter 9

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          Angela's POV

"Angela!" I heard someone shouting my name, but I ignored it and tried to sleep again.

"Angela!" That same voice called me again, and I think it was getting closer to me.

"What do you want? My sleep wants me back," I murmured to the pillow.

"Get up," that voice kept on calling me and telling to get up.

For a while, there was no sound and I thought that, this person might left me alone, until I felt something on me.

"Ahhhh," I started screaming.

I looked at the human being and saw that it's my mom.

"Mommm, why did you poured  that cold water on me, I'm freezing."

"It's obvious sweetheart you weren't waking up," she told me with a smile.

She left the room and said that she will make breakfast, and I must be quick.

I headed for the shower, and filled the bathtub with hot water.
I stripped off my clothes and sighed, and started showering.

After a while, I was finished with the shower and I went to choose an outfit.

I put on a black tank top with some black jeans as I finished the look off with a leather jacket. And my black converses of course.

I got downstairs and saw my mom still preparing breakfast.

"Mom, what are you cooking?"

"Pancakes and waffles, do you want anything else?"

"No, I'm good with those two,"

After a while, we sat down and started eating.

We talked till it was time to get to school.

"Do you want to take the car?"

"No, the weather is nice, I'll walk,  and as you always say 'be healthy'." I airquoted 'be healthy'.

Before getting out I took two green apples on my way, because as you know I'm healthy, well I mean I'm about to be healthy.

I ate one on my way getting to school.

When I reached school, I headed straight to my locker.

I was taking out my stuff from my locker, when I heard some movements behind me.

"Hi," I turned around to see a blonde with brown eyes.

Oh my God.

She is sooo beautiful. And she is tall like me, 5'6, I guess a bit shorter than me.

"Hi," I said with a raised brow, because I'm not sure why she is talking to me, and I'm not sure if I have seen her before.

"Okay, you know what?" She said, eager to say what she wanted to tell me.


"First of all I'm new here, and second, the moment I saw you I knew I wanted to be your friend, and right now I'm here to ask you,'will you be my friend then after a while my best friend?'"

She asked me with hope in her eyes.

"Why?" I asked her not sure why she wanted to be my friend so badly.

"Because, yesterday I saw you in the mall when you poured the water on that boy, and that made me like you, and considering to his look not every girl will do that to him," she said all of those without stopping and taking a breath.

How can she do that?

"So? Your answer is?"

"Yes, we can be friends but I'm not sure if you can stand me and my personality." I told her as a matter of fact.

"Well well well here's the new girl, where have you been? I've been searching for you for a while," Nicole, the queen bee, said with her two minions behind her.

She is sooo fake.

Always trying to be with the boys.

And I guess she slept with half of the male population in our school.

"Who are you and what do you want?" The new girl asked her.

"Oh, let me tell you who I am, I'm the girl that every guy wants to be with." She said and smirked at us.

"I can see that," I said with a 'yeah true' look.

I'm not sure if it's hundred or two hundred times I saw the boys trying to get rid of her, but she is like a gum in the hair.

"What did you said," she asked angrily.

"You heard me, I don't have to repeat myself."

That little slut was very angry, and she didn't answer me and instead turned to the new girl.

And by now a group of people have gathered around us

"From now on I'm warning y-," the new girl interrupted her.

"Roses are red, violets are blue, I've got five fingers," she showed her five fingers, "and the middle one's for you."

Everyone started laughing and she stormed off angrily.

The new girl turned to me, "let's go," she told me with a smile.

She linked her arm with mine and we started moving.
School was good today, I had some classes with the new girl and she is sooo funny and I like her already.

I told her about the group of assholes in our school.

We talked about lots of things, and right now I know lots of things about her like:her favorite color that is yellow, and that she likes cats more than dogs, and about everything that two sane person might talk about.

And by the way her name is Kate, Kate Vera.

I got outside of school and started walking, when I heard a car beeping behind me.

I was about to shout and make a fight, but when I saw that it was Kate I didn't do anything.

"Get in," she said opening the passenger door.

I got in and told her the direction of my house.

We reached their after 5 minutes.
"Come in, and meet my mom."

"I'm sorry, I'm grounded I have to get home as soon as possible, so can it be another time?"

"Yeah, sure. Bye then,"

"Bye." She said and came forward to hug me which I didn't reject.

I got to the front porch and waved at her till she was no longer seen.


"In the kitchen,"

I went there and saw her cooking, I went behind her and kissed her cheeks.

"Mom, I'm too tired to eat, I just want to sleep."

"No, eat before you sleep."

"But you said it's bad for health."

"Okay, okay go to sleep, I'll wake you up after two hours."

"Yasssss. Bye mom for now."

I kissed her once again and ran to my room, lika a crazy fangirl.

Without changing my clothes, I jumped on my bed and felt my body relax. After a while, sleep took over me.                      

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