Chapter 27 - At Least I Have You

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Yes! That's it! That's her name!


Thomas caught sight of her and ran towards her, ignoring the prying and curious eyes on him.

Angela. He remembered her. His memories came back as if they were never really gone.

"Glad I made it in time," she said. "I got a little lost."

When Thomas didn't pay much attention to the woman he almost bumped into earlier, he couldn't keep his eyes off Angela. Her blonde hair was fixed in a French bun and was wearing a blue dress. She was the most beautiful thing Thomas has seen. He couldn't help himself and hugged her, almost putting her off balance.

"Thomas," she smiled, "what's going on?"

"I just....I just missed you."

"Missed me? We didn't see each other for just a day."

But Angela didn't complain or push him off. She enjoyed the hug. Even if she said that she was gone for just a day, she felt like it was longer.

"I guess I missed you too," she said softly, not knowing if he heard it amidst the noise.

The two didn't let go of each other that night. Nor the years after that.


The Maze Runner realm

(Y/N) woke up in the early in the morning that the sun hasn't come up yet. She had the strangest dream. It was of John and Angela. Somehow, the First Author was also there. She didn't know what to make of that dream. So, she wore her shoes and walked over to John and Angela's hut. It wasn't that far from hers and Newt's.

When she got there, she was about to knock on the door only to see that it was unlocked. She called out to John and Angela, but there was no answer.

"Maybe they're sleeping," she told herself. "But why is the door open?"

(Y/N) went inside the hut and lit up a lamp. She looked around and saw that there was no trace of anyone living in this hut ever. She looked at the rooms and found no one. There were also no clothes, shoes, or supplies inside. This worried (Y/N).

She went inside what was supposed to be John's room. There used to be some stuff lying around. But now the room was bare. Bare except for a paper on the floor.

(Y/N) crouched down and picked up the piece of paper. It was a letter from John. She read the contents and understood what happened. When she was done reading the letter, the paper burst into flames. (Y/N) was surprised and let go of the paper. The letter now just burnt ashes on the floor.

John's last ever words to her all gone. She wanted to keep the letter, but she couldn't have it now. It was as if it never existed.

She was still stunned with the contents of the letter and what it implied. (Y/N) couldn't stand being inside the hut. She scurried outside and found refreshment in the cold air. She ran and ran until she was halfway to hers and Newt's hut.

Infinite Realms: Porcelain Heart (Newt X Reader ft. Thomas Sangster)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora