Chapter 35

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Veronica's POV
I sit at a table in the school gym that is cheaply decorated with blue and yellow balloons and streamers, but it fills me with a nostalgic feeling to the dances we've had in this room, decorated just like this. I smile to myself and sip my punch, which is probably spiked by now. "Ahem" I hear Betty say into the microphone on the stage. "I know everyone expected to hear from me this evening but there is one person who I think needs to get up here and say goodbye to this town. She is probably going to kill me for this but, Veronica Lodge, please come up here" she says, making me almost want to slap her. I walk up on the stage and I approach Betty and the microphone. As the clapping continues from the crowd I walk up to Betty and give her a hug, then proceed to whisper in her ear, "Yeah you're right, I'm so gonna kill you" I say quietly so the microphone doesn't catch it. She winks and walks off the stage over to Jughead and Archie, whose eyes are fixated on me.

"Uh if it's not obvious, I do not have anything prepared, but here we go" I say, causing some laughter from the crowd. I take a deep breath, "Since I moved to this town I've learned a lot. As everyone here knows, I have a daughter, and that has taught me a universal truth, that we all eventually have to face whether we want to or not, and that is, everything ends. Whether it's good or it's bad. I for one, have never liked the end of things, the end of a movie, a friendship, or even a relationship, it all seems too sad. But something that having a daughter has taught me is that the endings also bring new beginnings. We are beginning the rest of our lives here today. Today we are saying goodbye to everything and almost everyone we find familiar, and despite how sad that is, I for one can't wait. But before we start our new lives without each other to lean on through every step of the way, I want you all to know that you have all taught me so much, and I will forever be indebted to the people and town of Riverdale" I say, completely pulling this from the top of my head. Despite the way I had to make it up as I went along, everyone loves it. As I descend the stage people clap, cheer, and smile at me as I make my way over to my friends. Betty gives me an innocent smile, "I'd apologize but you did great, so you're welcome" she says. I roll my eyes, "I'd kill you if I didn't love you so much" I say before pulling her into a hug. As I'm hugging her my phone starts to ring, making me pull out of the hug to check my phone. I see my moms name flash across my screen and I press answer:

V: hello?
H: Mija start saying your goodbyes. We have to leave in 15 minutes.
V: Yeah okay

I pull the phone from my ear and quickly hang up, not wanting to waste my goodbye time. "You have to leave?" Betty asks softly, trying to hide her feelings but not doing a great job of it. "Not yet. I have to say my goodbyes. Keep your phones on, I'll text you guys when I'm done. I want you guys to be the last people I talk to before leaving" I say, giving them all a smile before I walk off to day goodbye to everyone.

"Goodbye, Veronica. It's been great going from frenemies to bffs over the past few years. I'll make sure to call you if I ever find myself in New York" Cheryl says as she wraps her arms around me in a hug. "Bye Cheryl, I'll miss you more than I thought I would" I say jokingly as I return her hug.

"V I'm going to miss you way too much, who's dramatic life am I supposed to vicariously live through?" Kevin asks, making me smile. "Text me and I'll give you weekly updates of the hot tea, but don't be surprised if it's all about school and motherhood" I say, trying to keep my spirits up through all of these goodbyes.

As I finish my last goodbyes I walk through the halls of the school that I used to find so important 2 years ago. This was my life. School, drama, and Archie. I sigh and pull out my phone, typing a text to the group chat.

V: I'm done with my goodbyes. Can you guys come to the main entrance?
B: of course
J: coming
A: yep

The texts roll in and I lean my head against the cool blue lockers, waiting for them to show up.

"V" Betty says as she walks over to me. She hugs me and I hug her back tightly, knowing this is the last time I'll see her for a while. "I'll miss you, B" I say, trying not to cry yet. "I'll miss you too, I love you" she says, making me smile. "I love you too. Call me? Or at least text daily" I say, pulling away but still looking at her. "Definitely. B & V forever" she says, making me laugh. "B & V forever" I say back quietly. Betty steps back and Jughead steps in front of me, then wraps me in a hug. "I cannot believe I'm going to say this, but I'll really miss you, Lodge" he says. I laugh and pat his back, "what did I tell you, once you really know me, you love me" I joke, making him laugh. "Goodbye, VV" he says with a laugh. I roll my eyes, "Bye Juggie" I say. Betty and Jughead step back, and then realize that Archie and I need to be alone. "Goodbye, V. We're gonna go back in the gym" Betty says with tears in her eyes, as her and Jughead walk back into the gym, leaving Archie and I. I turn to Archie and give him a small smile. I go to say something then I stop, with no idea as to why I paused. "Let's not say anything... We both know" he says, making me nod. "Yeah. We know" I say before disappearing into a hug in his large arms. The familiarity of the hug pulls at my heartstrings and makes me choke back some tears. Minutes pass and we're still wrapped in a hug, until my phone dings. I pull out of the hug and pull my phone out of my purse as Archie returns his hands to his pockets. I sigh at the text that pops up on my screen and I look back at Archie, "they're outside" I almost whisper. He nods his head and plants a firm kiss on my forehead, almost making me fall apart right in front of him. "Always" he says to me, referring to our prior conversation. I give him a small smile and whisper, "always."

What will happen next?? I know... but you guys have to wait 😂

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