Chapter 15

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Veronica's POV
I wake up to the sun shining in the light of my bedroom window. I open my eyes and they instantly land on the framed photo of Archie and I on my nightstand, making me sigh. I sit up out of bed and walk onto my balcony. The view is incredible, I can see the Eiffel Tower as clear as day, along with the beautiful pink flowers surrounding it. Most people would love it here, and I do, but there's something that I love more, something that I abandoned in Riverdale. "Mija, we have to leave at 12" my abuelita says, leaning her head into my room. "Okay" I say, giving her a small smile. I look back out at Paris until my phone starts to ring. I'm positive that it's my one of my parents because they're the only people who have my international number. When a random number appears on my phone I'm filled with confusion, until I recognize the number. Archie. Should I answer him? How did he even get this number. I pick my phone up and press accept:

V: Archie?
A: Hey, Ronnie. Yeah it's me
V: what are you even doing up? It's 3am there
A: Yeah I know but your parents gave me your number and I just had to call you.
V: Honestly, it's great to hear your voice again.
A: Yeah yours too. Your parents say you're coming back...
V: Yeah I leave for the airport at 12, it's 8 now. I'm not sure why I'm even coming back though, so much has happened I don't think I can step back into my old life.
A: I'm not going to lie to you, your parents told me everything, I think everything. So we can talk about it... if you want. Or not.
V: Yeah I'll think about it. Archie I have to go and pack. Honestly, thanks for calling. I needed to know I'll be seeing a friendly face.
A: Bye Ronnie
V: Bye

Archie's POV
I hang up the phone and set it on my nightstand. Hearing her voice made my heart race one million miles per hour, but it also sounded different. Hollow. Her parents said she might be different but what if she's completely different? What if the part of her that loved me, had disappeared. Is it possible to ever find that again?

I wake up with my dad knocking on the door, "Arch I know it's still summer but you can't sleep all day" he says before walking away. I look over at the clock and it's 1:00pm, meaning it's 6pm in Paris. Veronica has been on her plane for 6 hours, if only I knew how long a flight from Paris to New York is. I sit up and grab my phone to google it, I think I've reached a new level of desperation. On freedom airlines it's an estimated 9 hours, then add in the 2 hours of driving to Riverdale, she'll be here in about 5 hours. I get out of bed and throw on a pair of jeans and a white v-neck, I still basically have the same wardrobe I did when I last saw Veronica. Nothing has changed, well expect for everything. I bound down the stairs and into the kitchen for breakfast, well at this hour it's basically lunch. "Hey son, plans for today?" My dad asks while making himself a sandwich. "Well Ronnie is supposed to get here today" I say, trying to hide the excitement that's boiling over. "Look, I know you love her. And I can't speak for her but I'm assuming she still loves you, but she went through a traumatic experience. First her accident and then having to give her child up for adoption, I can't imagine how she feels. When you have a child there is always a bond there, no matter how young you are, it's there. So having to give that to another couple at such a young age probably changed her for good. She might not be ready for a relationship right when she arrives here" he says. I nod my head, "I know. But I love her and I want her to know she has people in her corner" I say. He nods his head "good. Just don't push" he says seriously. I smirk "I wouldn't dare."

"She'll be here in 3 hours?!" Betty asks. I nod my head "yes. I can't believe it" I say. Kevin nods "guys we can't all great her with giant hugs and tears, she's probably still emotional" he says. Jughead nods, "yeah but she's Veronica, she usually doesn't show her vulnerabilities, well to us at least. Archie is another story" he says. I roll my eyes "are you gonna go for it?" Kevin asks. I shake my head "not right away, but eventually yes. I love her, I always will" I say with a smile. "Yes Varchie is back!" Kevin says. Jughead and I roll our eyes in unison and Betty laughs, "not that I like them more. But you and Jughead have gotten too domestic and less dramatic" he adds. I smirk "yeah well I'd rather be domestic than dramatic" I say. Betty and Jughead nod and Kevin rolls his eyes, "well then go to the train station and propose, surrounded by 1 rose for each day you've been apart" he says. I roll my eyes "less domestic please" I say laughing. Jughead, Betty and Kevin laugh along, but despite the fun, I can't help thinking about how
Veronica will join back into our fun.

Veronica's POV
As the plane lands at the airport in New York, I'm hit with a rush of nostalgia. Last time I was on a plane in New York I was 2 months pregnant and running from all of my problems. Now I'm running home, but fully aware of the problems that are sure to follow.

I never know what to say at the end of a chapter 😂 hope everyone likes this 💕

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