Chapter 11

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Archie's POV
I'm putting the books from my morning classes away in my locker when Reggie stands next to me. "Hey dude, we should talk" he says seriously. I narrow my eyes at him "okay. Let's go" I say, while slamming my locker and walking behind him. He leads me into an empty biology room and I sit down at a lab table. "What's up?" I ask, still curious as to why he asked me in here. "I'm sure you hate me, man. I mean I hate me, getting your ex girlfriend pregnant was a-" he says, but I cut him off. I stand off of the stool quickly, "you what?" I snap. He backs up "she di- she didn't tell you?" He stutters. "You son of a bitch" I yell, before grabbing his collar and punching him in the face. I keep punching until the door swings open, revealing Ronnie. "Stop. What the hell?!" She yells before grabbing me by the arm and pushing me back. "What is going on?" She asks. Reggie spits blood from his mouth "I'm sorry, I assumed he knew. I was apologizing to him" he says, with blood running from his chin. "Wait you know?" She asks softly. I clench my jaw, "Yeah" I say bluntly. "I'm just gonna hobble off to the nurse" Reggie says, before walking out of the room. "Archie please let me explain" she pleads, the slight crack in her voice tells me she's going to cry. "I just- I can't" I say, tears brimming my eyes. "Please. I was so heart broken after what happened I didn't know what to do, and Reggie was just there. And it was simple, there were no feelings whatsoever. I thought it was what I needed" she says, tears falling from her eyes. "And now?" I ask. She takes a deep breath "it was the last thing I needed, I know that now. And I just, I don't know what to do" she says sadly. I groan and run my hands through my hair, "you had sex with Reggie, and now you're pregnant. Was this a onetime thing or?" I ask, not sure I want the answer. She looks down and more tears fall from her eyes "It's been happening for the past month" she says. I lean my hands on the table and look down, "so are you dating now?" I ask, still not looking up at her. "No. It was just sex, I feel nothing for him" she says. I look up "and the baby?" I ask. She winces but tries to hide it, "I'm having an abortion" she says. I focus my eyes on the girl standing in front of me, and she's not Veronica. This girl is broken, Veronica is strong and confident. This girl is about to fall apart in front of my eyes. "I'm sorry" I say softly. She takes a deep breath "you shouldn't be sorry. I'm sorry. It's my own fault that I'm pregnant and in this situation" she says. I shake my head "you never would've felt that it was necessary to go to Reggie if I hadn't cheated on you" I say. She sighs "we both made mistakes" she says, more tears welling in her eyes. "Don't cry" I whisper "don't cry come here" I say walking from the other side of the table. She walks over to me and lays her head on my chest, wrapping her arms around my back. I run my hand through her hair and rest my other hand on her back. She fits right under my chin like she used to and I exhale with relief, not realizing how much I missed this. She cries into my shirt for 20 minutes, which feels like an eternity. She pulls away and wipes her eyes, smudging mascara. I grab her a tissue and hand it to her as she wipes away the smeared makeup. She sniffs and looks up at me "how sobby do I look?" She asks. I smirk "not at all. You look great" I say. She smiles slightly and looks at the clock "I think I'm going to go home. I feel sick again" she says while grabbing her bag. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow" I say, hopeful that she'll come tomorrow. "Yeah. Bye, Arch" she says as she walks out. "Bye" I say as I turn my head so I don't see her leave. "Arch" She says, causing me too look up, thinking she had already left. "Please don't hate me for this. I know it's a lot to ask, but you've always been the one constant in my life. So please don't hate me" she says. I shake my head "I could never hate you" I say, making her smile. She turns around and walks out of the room, not before saying "lucky for me."

Veronica's POV
I walk out of the classroom, thinking I'd feel more relieved that Archie knows about the baby, but ultimately feeling worse. I can't help but think he's furious with me because I slept with Reggie, which I wouldn't blame him for being angry, I just can't take the thought of him feeling negative towards me. I walk out of the front door and down the stairs, only to be greeted by Reggie. He's sitting on the stairs holding an ice pack to his face, "Hey, you okay?" I ask. He shrugs "Hmm despite the blood and throbbing, I'm fine" he says. I smirk "yeah dumb question" I say. He nods his head and I take a deep breath "want a ride home? You shouldn't drive like that" I say. He looks back at the school "Archie is back in class" I say. He nods his head "then yeah, I'd appreciate it" he says while standing up from the stairs and walking to my car with me. We climb in the car and I pull out of the parking lot, taking off to Reggie's house.

As I stop at an intersection a black SUV pulls up behind my car, one that is almost too familiar. I just cannot place my finger on it. I pull into the intersection and the black SUV stays on my tail. "Not to alarm you or to be dramatic but I think that SUV is following us" I say. He looks out the mirror, "shit" he groans. "You crazy father probably put a tail on you, seeing you with your baby daddy won't make your daddy happy" he says. I roll my eyes "shut up" I say. I stop at the stop sign but the black SUV only accelerates, "drive!" Reggie shouts. The SUV slams into my car pushing us forward into oncoming traffic. The last thing I hear is Reggie shouting.

Hope everyone liked this!

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