Chapter 3

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Veronica's POV
"I have no idea what I'm doing B, I mean it was only a kiss" I groan. She nods her head "Yeah I know. But it hurt you, you can't just ignore that" she says. I sit up on her bed and look at her "I haven't ignored it. I told him that, and I didn't talk to him for 3 weeks. I think he got the message" I say glancing out the window to Archie's room. "He's at school practicing for the back to school dance. Go talk to him" she says. I smile at her and climb off of her bed "I'll text you" I say while walking out of her bedroom. I walk out of the Cooper's front door and to my car, intent on going to Archie and sorting out this whole mess.

Archie's POV
I strum on my guitar in the music room of my empty school. We don't start back here for another 4 days but I'm working on music for the back to school dance. I was going to sing with Ronnie but she isn't even talking to me, I guess I'm alone on that stage. There's a knock at the door and for a spilt second I expect to see Veronica, until I turn to see Valerie peeking her head in the door. "I thought I heard a mediocre guitar player in here" she says jokingly. I laugh "very funny" I say while putting my guitar down. She sits down across from me and smiles "how are you" she asks. I shrug "I'm okay. I'm guessing you heard?" I ask. She nods her head "everyone has. No one knows if you guys are still together or not" she says curiously. I shake my head "honestly, I don't know either. I hope we are" I say. She takes a deep breath "There's a lot to consider" she says. I nod my head, not exactly sure of what she's saying. She takes a deep breath and looks at me "Also that I still have feelings for you"

Veronica's POV
I step out of my car in the parking lot of Riverdale high. I walk through the front door of the school and roam through the empty halls. I take a left to the music wing and I'm greeted by a closed door to the music room where Archie is supposedly playing his music. I reach out and grab the door handle but before I turn it I look through window. Instead of being greeted by Archie playing his guitar, I'm greeted with Archie in a heated make out session with Valerie. She's sitting in his lap with her hands in his hair and his hands on her waist. I turn away from the door and put my back against the wall in shock. I'm about to throw up because of what I just saw. Suddenly I'm filled with rage and I dig my nails into my palm. I walk to the door and push it open, making Valerie jump up and Archie look over to the door way with shock. The look in his eyes give off an 'oh fuck' look before he stands up. "Ronnie I can explain" he says. "Can we have a minute, Val" I snap at her. She nods her head and runs right passed me, making me roll my eyes. "I originally came here to tell you that I made a mistake. I thought I had overreacted, since it was just one small little kiss" I say while walking in the music room and slamming the door behind me. "But now after seeing you making out with your ex girlfriend, well that's officially me so I guess she's your ex-ex- girlfriend" I say. He shakes his head "I don't know what to do anymore Ronnie. I'm a mess without you, I'm making terrible decisions" he says frantically. "Clearly" I say bluntly. He sits down and puts his head in his hands and sighs "I'm just so so sorry. I love you, not Midge, not Valerie. You" he says. I let the few tears I've been holding in quietly roll down my cheek "Archie I love you, you know that. But I can't keep doing this. We're hurting each other, so I think we need to end this" I say sadly. He stands up and rushes over to me "please don't. We can get through this" he pleads, putting his hands on my face. "I can't live without you. Without your face, and your hair, your soft soft hair. I can't lose you" he says. I let out a small sob and look to the ground. "I'm sorry, Archie" I say before turning and walking out of the door.

Archie's POV
Ronnie walks out of the door and I almost run after her, until I realize it's too late. I've lost her, and it's all my fault. I kissed Midge, and just when she forgave me, I kissed Valerie. Made out with Valerie to be precise. I groan and sit down on the couch, putting my head in my hands. I get up and start angrily pacing around the chairs in the music room. I'm furious with myself, I let go of the best thing that ever happened to me. And I will never get anything as good as Ronnie ever again.

Veronica's POV
I walk into the elevator at the Pembrook with tear stained cheeks. I wipe my face so my parents won't ask me what's wrong, I cannot tell my dad how things ended with Archie. The elevator doors open and I walk out, slowly headed to my front door. I put my key in the door and twist until I hear it unlock. I push the door open and I'm greeted with my mom sitting on the couch reading a book. "Hey. Where's daddy?" I ask, trying to sound cheerful. "He had to drive into the city. He'll be home tomorrow" she says while closing her book. "Whats wrong Mija?" She asks while she sets her book on the end table. "Nothing" I say while shaking my head the slightest bit. "Come here" she says, patting the couch next to her. I sit down and she takes both of my hands. "Tell me what's wrong?" She asks. I take a deep breath and suddenly I feel a rush of emotions, and I finally let go. I sob and she pulls me in for a hug. "Ooh Mija, shhh" she says soothingly. She slightly rocks me back and forth until I calm down. After a few minutes I pull away and wipe my eyes, taking a deep breath. "Archie and I are over" I say. "Awe Mija, I'm so sorry" she says "I honestly thought you two were going to last" she finishes. I nod my head "I did too" I say. "Do you want to talk about it" she asks me, tucking my hair behind my ear. I shake my head "I'm exhausted. I just want to go to bed" I say. She nods "Alright, Mija. Sweet dreams" she says leaning in to kiss my cheek. I give her a small smile and stand up to walk into my room. I get in my room and change into my pajamas. When in my closet my eyes fall on Archie's blue dress shirt that I kept after our first night together. I take a deep breath and turn the lights off, walking to my bed. I climb under the covers and look at the framed photo of Archie and I on my nightstand. I fall asleep with the image burned in my mind.

Archiekins is a mess

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