Chapter 6

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I have a few ideas of where I'm taking this story but I'd love to know what the readers think and what you all want to happen! I take suggestions and I also build off some so don't be shy to comment or message me 💕

Veronica's POV
My mind drifts away from the lecture Mr. West is giving my class on the difference between Mitosis and Meiosis, which doesn't mean anything to me. "Veronica" he says, pulling me out of my daze and making the class turn their heads to face me. "What is the number of chromosomes created in meiosis?" He asks. I have absolutely no idea what the answer is, considering that I was staring at the wall instead of paying attention to the lecture. "23" Reggie whispers, completely saving me from public humiliation. "23" I confidently blurt out. Mr. West, taken back by the fact that I knew the answer, turns back to the front board to continue the lesson. (A/n I have no idea if that's correct or not, so if you know it's not don't judge 😂)

"Thank you so much for the help. I was totally checked out" I say to Reggie once the lesson was over. "No problem. You have a lot going on, I don't blame you for not being able to focus" he says. I smile "thanks, I really owe you one" I say while putting my notebook into my black suede Gucci bag. "How about a milkshake at Pops tonight, on you, and we'll call it even" he says confidently. I bite my lip, not for seduction but in hesitation. "Not a date, I'm sure you're not ready for that. Just two friends hanging out" he says. I take a deep breath "okay sounds fun. Meet you there at 8?" I ask. He smiles "yeah. I'll see you tonight" he says before walking out of the class room.

"You have a date with Reggie?!" Kevin exclaims, way too loud. "Shh" I snap, "no one needs to know" I say. He rolls his eyes "Veronica this town is the size of a postage stamp, everyone will know. Especially after Reggie brags to his buddies about him stealing Archie's ex-girlfriends heart" he says quietly. I sigh "I have to clear this up before it gets to Archie" I say while gathering my things. "Why do you care what he thinks, he lost you. Let him mourn" he says. I shake my head "because I love him. And I don't want him hurting, no matter how bad he hurt me" I say. I turn on my heel and walk out of the library, intent on stopping the rumor before it gets everywhere.

I step into the hallway and look down both ways, not a beacon of red hair in sight. I groan and then instantly know where I'll find him. The music room. I've been dreading going back there since I caught Archie and Valerie in there. I walk through the music corridor when I finally step close enough, I hear Archie's soft guitar strumming. I step in the door way and knock on the door, in attempt to not startle him. "Hey" he says flatly, giving me an inkling that he already knows. "Hey. Can we talk?" I ask, somewhat knowing the answer already. "About something other than your date tonight I'm assuming?" He asks while standing up to put his guitar in it's case. "So you heard. From who?" I ask. He runs his hand through his hair "locker room chatter. But don't worry, I didn't beat him up this time. I don't want to bruise him more than I already have" he says. I roll my eyes "it's not even a date, Arch" I say. He shrugs "it's fine, none of my business anyway. You're not my girlfriend anymore, you've made that very clear" he says. I take a deep breath "I know I have but-" I start. "Have fun on your date. And don't worry about me, I'll be fine" he says. I narrow my eyes "you be fine?" I question. He nods at me and I shrug "Okay, Mr. 'I'm fine' then I'm going on this date with Reggie" I say. He glares at me "I thought you said it wasn't a date?" He asks. I shrug "well someone who is so fine won't care whether it's a date or not" I say. He nods his head "you're right" he says. "Fine" I snap. "Fine" he snaps back at me. I turn around out of the music room and walk quickly down the hall, as far away from him as I can.

Archie's POV
She turns around out of the room and walks down the hall. Her heels click as she walks and soon enough the sound of her shoes disappear, telling me she's too far for me to hear. "Dammit" I groan, kicking the side of the couch. She was coming to tell me that's it's not a date and that she isn't moving on but I told her that I'm fine, when fine is the last thing I'll be without her. I just couldn't help but be furious when I heard Reggie tell Moose that he's going to Pops with Veronica. I'm supposed to take her to Pops, but I ruined that. The best thing I had, Reggie is about to get. The thought of Reggie kissing Veronica, touching her the way I have, makes sick. I need to try and get her back, even if there is only a small sliver of a chance, I need to try.

Veronica's POV
I walk down the hall until I run into Moose leaving the boys locker room. "Where is Reggie?" I ask quickly. "He's in there. He'll be out in a minute" he says before walking away to his next class. I groan and push the locker room door open. Thank god he's the only one in here. "Veronica?" He asks confused. He's in his jeans but still doesn't have a shirt on but I don't wait. I walk over to him and take his face in my hands. I connect our lips and he immediately wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer, pressing me against his bare chest. I pull away and lean my forehead against his "lets not do any labels. No strings. Just fun" I say. He smirks "I'm in. This will most definitely be fun."

Friends with benefits never ends well, just saying 😉😏

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