Chapter 25

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Veronica's POV
I step out of the car and wipe the lipstick off the corner of my mouth. "Hey Reggie" I say awkwardly, glancing at Archie as he walks around the car to join me. "I didn't think it'd be long till you guys got back together" he says with a smirk. "Reggie there is actually something I have to talk to you about" I say, skipping right to the point. I know that if I wait to tell him I'll never end up telling him. "I'll give you guys some space. Call me later" Archie whispers before kissing my cheek and then getting back in his truck. "Whats up?" Reggie asks as Archie drives out of the parking lot. I watch after Archie as his truck disappears down the street, wishing he would come back and tell Reggie for me. "The family that adopted Reign don't want her anymore. They're releasing parental rights" I say. His eyes go wide "Wait they can do that?" He asks in shock. I nod my head "Apparently" I say, unable to read his face. "V, I don't know how to raise a kid" he says, with a small laugh. I'm assuming a laugh of shock, since there is nothing funny about this situation. "I don't either. But she's our daughter we can't abandon her" I say, "at least I can't." He narrows his eyes "what is that supposed to mean?" He asks. I sigh, "I'm giving you an out. You don't have to be a father, but I'm a mother without a daughter. I know it's crazy and it's going to be so difficult but I need this. Let me know what you decide" I say. He doesn't say anything, he just sighs and walks away. I groan and walk through the empty parking lot into the Pembrook.

Archie's POV
I walk in my house and toss my dads key on the table. "Everything okay son?" My dad asks. I shrug "Ronnie and I are back together" I say. He smiles "that's great. Why don't you look happier?" He asks. I sit down on the couch "I am. But Ronnie is getting her daughter back, and I want to be with Ronnie but..." I fade out, knowing how I feel but not wanting to say it out loud. "You want Veronica but you don't think you want a daughter" my dad says. I nod my head, "does that make me horrible?" I ask. He shakes his head "No son, you're young. It'd make sense for you to not want a daughter right now" he says. I sigh in defeat and sink lower into the couch, "what do I do?" I ask. He shrugs, "that's for you to decide. But if you want to be with Veronica I'll support you. You'll need someone on your side when you tell your mother that your girlfriend has a baby" he says, patting me on the shoulder and then going to the front door. "I have to get to work. There's money on the counter for you to order dinner" he says before opening the door and walking out. I pull my phone from my pocket and dial Ronnie's phone number, hoping she's not with Reggie anymore. The phone rings once, twice, three times before she picks up.

V: Hey
A: Hey. How'd Reggie take the news
V: Not great
A: Did he say he's not going to be in her life?
V: No. He didn't actually say anything, which puts me even more on edge. I'll talk to him at school on Monday.
A: Well my dad is at work, do you want to come over for dinner later and we can order pizza and watch a movie?
V: Sure. I'll be by around 6
A: Alright, see you later. I lo-

Suddenly, before I can say 'I love you' she hangs up the phone. Did she hang up by accident or because she knew what I was going to say. I groan and toss my phone onto the other end of the couch, could anything else go wrong today?

Veronica's POV
He was about to say he loves me. I don't know why I had the impulse to just end the phone call but I did. I love him too, but it's even harder to say it the second time then it is to say it the first, which also didn't go very well. I groan and bury my face in my pillow, dreading the awkward conversation to come when I arrive at Archie's house.

I walk up the stairs to Archie's front door and take a deep breath. "Here we go" I whisper quietly before knocking on the door. He pulls the door open and smiles at me, "Hey Ronnie" he says. I smile "good evening, Archiekins" I say, standing on my tiptoes to wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. He wraps his arms around my waist tightly and lifts me out of the door way, kicking the front door closed. I laugh and put my hands on his face, "We should talk about what happened" I say quietly. He nods, "you mean you hanging up on me just as I go to say 'I love you'? Yeah we probably should" he says. I smirk, "I know and I'm sorry. I just think we should lay some ground rules before we say those words again" I say. He nods his head, "I understand. Let's make some rules then. So I can tell you I love you" he says. I laugh and he takes me by the hand and leads me to the couch. We sit down and I take his hand in mine and set them on my lap. "So the paper work got mailed to the agency, and I could be hearing anything about when I get Reign back anytime now" I start. He smiles, "that's great Ronnie" he says. I nod, "Yeah. But that also means that we'll have less time for dates and other things" I say. He nods his head, "I know that, and I understand. Plus, the waiting makes the other things even better" he says with a wink. I laugh, "Archie I'm being serious" I say. "I am too!" He says, "but we can't plan everything to a T, because we don't know what's going to happen. This could go smoothly or it could be difficult every step of the way, and we won't know until we at least try" he says. I smirk, "I'm almost positive you're just saying that to make this conversation go faster, but you're right" I say. He narrows his eyes, "Wait I am?" He asks. I smirk, "yes you are" I say. He smiles and tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear, "well what a brave new world it is, huh" he says quietly. "Archie" I say softly. "Yeah?" He asks, moving his hands to my legs. "You can say it now" I say putting my hands in his. "Well now I don't think I want to" he says pulling his hands away and moving to the other side of the couch. I gasp, "Archie Andrews get back here and tell me you love me" I say getting up on my knees and moving over to him. He shakes his head and stays quiet, "that's it" I say before sitting on his lap, straddling him with my legs. I take his face in my hands and kiss him roughly, with enough force and passion to knock any guy off his feet, which has happened before. I pull away breathless and look down at Archie, who is also panting for breath, "Okay I love you" he says quickly. I laugh and lean in for another kiss, saying, "yeah that's what I thought."

Another chapter later 💕 Hope everyone liked this

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