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Riley's P.O.V

Tears ran down my cheeks. I didn't even know who this guy was. I was going to leave everything for his word that he would hurt them. I was already at the park when I suddenly realized what I was about to do. Hands found there way to waist.

"Who are you?" I asked. He chuckled. His face came into view.

"Should have asked me earlier." He said. He made a fake sad face. "I'm guessing your break up hurt? Oh well Christian will get over it and find another fuck toy." He said. I huffed and took a step back.

"How do you know Christian?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Why else would I want his toy? Because I want revenge. He took something from me." He placed his hand on my stomach. "I'm gonna take something from him." He said.

"Classic. And what exactly was your plan Austin?" I heard. He smiled and turned around.

"Oliver? Why am I not surprised? You were always the type to lurk around." Austin said. Oliver smiled and walked over.

"You can't take her." He said. Austin brought his hand up to my cheek and brushed it acrossed. He then quickly brought it to my neck and I started gasping. "Damn it." Oliver said. Austin held up a finger towards him.

"Not so fast. You see she's pregnant so if I cut off her lung supply I cut off the babies." He said. Oliver looked at me.

"Why would I care?" He asked. I coughed more. Austin looked at him.

"You don't care if she dies?" He asked. Oliver shook his head.

"She belongs to my brother. Not to me. I don't care for her. Although you did always piss me off." He said. Austin ripped his hands off my neck. I fell to my knees.

"Your a monster." I coughed. Austin laughed.

"Oh honey you have no idea." He said.

"Austin let her go." I heard Emily's annoying voice say. Austin looked at her.

"No." He said.

"We both know it's me you want." She said. He chuckled.

"No. I wanted you when you belonged to Christian. Now I want her. He took something from me I take something from him." He said.

"Austin the baby wasn't yours to begin with." She said. I looked at her.

"What baby?" I asked.

"Oh story time." Austin said. I looked at him. "Christian took Emily from me. He fucked her. She happened to be pregnant before he did. She had a abortion." He said.

"The baby wasn't yours Austin. The baby was Christian's he told me that he didn't love me after I told him. So I couldn't have it. It was never yours." She said. I looked at her.

"You fucking lied to me." He roared. "You came to me and told me it was mine." He said.

"I wanted help to get back at Christian. The baby was already gone by then." She said. He chuckled. Before I could process what happened next I was couching. He kicked me in the stomach.

"Let's see how far this goes for Christian. Losing two babies." He said. I clutched my stomach.

"Riley!" Oliver yelled running over to me. He picked me up. I looked at my hand to see blood. "Shit." He said.

"No!" I heard. I looked past Austin to see Christian with a piece of paper that was a note I left him. He looked at Austin. He ran towards him beating him. I moved in Oliver's hands causing him to drop me. I ran to to Christian to stop him from killing him. I grabbed his fist before he punched him again. He looked at me and quickly caught me before I fell on the ground. "Baby." He said. Tears spilled out from my eyes. I could feel my babies life fading.

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