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Riley's P.O.V

I noticed Christian and Taylor talking so I walk over to them. I hide behind the wall and listen in. "He's awake. It doesn't look good." Christian said. My eyes filled with tears. He lied to me?

"Be there for her." Taylor said.

"I will." Christian said. I slid down the wall and brought my knees to my chest. Tears fell from my eyes as everything in my mind froze. Everything around me started to slow down and soon it was just me. I breathed heavily. "Baby?" I heard as a distant call. I slowly to the right to see Christian crouching near me. Even though he looked close every time I went to reach out for him he go further away. I saw a lock box and held my emotions in one hand. I opened the lock box and stuff my emotions in it locking it. I opened my eyes and felt nothing. I dried my tears and stood up. "Baby, are you OK?" Christian asked. I looked up at him.

"I'm fine." I said. He had a face of knowing.

"Baby, don't do this. You have to feel. It's a part of being human. It's what makes you who you are." He said. I smiled. I wasn't a happy smiled.

"You worry too much." I said. I then walked away to the waiting room and sat down on the ground leaning on a wall with my legs up.

"Riley, we got food come eat." Lola said. I looked at the ground.

"Baby girl, you're special. You can do anything if you put your mind to it." Dad's voice echoed in my head.

"They're the strongest people I know. If anyone can pull through this it's them."

"I love you baby girl."

"I'll never leave you."

He will never leave his family behind."

"It doesn't look good."

"Be there for her."

"I will."

"You can do anything."

I stayed put for three house. Throughout the three hours family and friends came and went. Christian stayed by me 24/7. Taylor came over and ask him the status on me and would leave again. Everything around me was like a faded dream. "Come on." Christian said picking me off the ground. I looked at him. "You need sunshine. Fresh air." He said. I laid my head on his shoulder and stared at the undone button on his shirt. He brought me outside and sat me in the grass where I sat still. He just stared at me. I moved my head to look up at him. I then dropped it. "I'm going to bring you home for a shower." He said. He pulled out his phone and I looked up at him. He stared at me as he talked on it. Once he was done he stood up.

"I know what you're thinking." I said. He looked surprised. "I told you I'm fine." I said. He frowned.

"No you aren't. Riley you sat in a corner for 3 and half hours staring at the ground. You barely talked. You haven't ate. Riley you're not yourself. You need rest and food." He said. I stood up.

"OK." I said.

"Great lets go." He said. We walked to his new car and I got in. On the way to the house was quiet. When we got to the house I got out and walked inside. I ran upstairs to my room and laid on my bed. "Want me to pick out your clothes or you pick them out?" He asked. I stared at the wall. "OK I'll do it." He mumbled. 

After I got out of the shower I sat on my bed and looked at a picture of me and Dad at the beach. I was on his shoulders. I was 5 in this pick. Christian was in the back with Taylor running up to us. At the time everything was simple.

I stared at the picture and felt anger boil. I got up and throw a cup at the wall and watched it shatter. I picked up another one and throw it. Then a vase and next thing I know I'm throwing everything. I was about to throw the picture when Christian grabbed my hand and pulled my body to his. "I'm not fine." Was the only thing I could say. Tears fell from my eyes.

"Your bleeding baby." He said. I looked down and my hands we cut and blood dripped from my feet. I looked up at Christian. "Come on sit down." He said as he carried me to the bathroom. He took the glass pieces out of my hands and feet. I just watched as he moved around the bathroom. He grabbed the aid box and cleaned up my cuts.

"What happened in New York?" I asked. He looked up at me. 

"The third year I was there my father did something that crossed the line. He rape Brianna. He told her that if she told anyone about there little game he would hurt her. Well she told me the next day of what he had done and he cut her with a knife on her arm. She lost so much blood. I rushed her to the ER with my clothes all bloody. I waited until she was asleep before I left. I went home to see my mom in the kitchen crying. I snapped at her. She let him into our home and allowed him to abuse us. A week passed and I made a plan to take him out for good."

"Well I didn't know Emily was working for him to get close to me. She told him everything. He beat the shit out of me and threatened my mothers life in front of me so I grabbed a gun he use to hide under the table. I aimed it at him and shot him in the head. His body hit the ground and I was never the same. That was the one day I needed you. So I called you. You sounded so happy. It made everything better. Your voice stopped me from killing Emily." He said. I touched his shoulder because he was lost in thought. He looked up at me. "Riley you are my everything. Seeing you hurting from this kills me. I want to wipe those tears away and tell you never to cry again but Peter was my only father figure so I understand where you're coming from." He said. I looked down.

"A few months before you and Taylor came home a guy came up to me and asked me to go with him. I wasn't going to say no because he had two other men with him a lot bigger. He brought me to an old where house. The two scary guys stayed outside and it was only him and me. He knew my name and my family. He knew everything about me. It scared me. He raped me that night and told me that he will be back for more. He told me that if I were to ever tell anyone he'd kill them and make me watch. Every month after that he came back. Once a month for 3 months. All on the same day. When I told you that I wasn't a virgin I meant it but to me you were my first." I said. He looked pissed. "Theres more." I said.

"OK." He said.

"I met a guy at one of the gym's I started going too. He told me that he had a answer to my problem. His name Mike. Mike is the leader of the BrotherHood." I said. His eyes popped out of its socket.

"The gang?" He asked. I nodded.

"He helped me train in reverse I'd help him with his work."

"What kind of work?" He asked.

"Drug shippings. I counted them and kept track of it." I said.

"Jesus Riley? Do you realize how dangerous that is?" He asked. I nodded.

"I wanted revenge and I didn't care at what cost." I said. He looked down.

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