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"Riley, you're probably over thinking this. Taylor and Christian love you. And since they love you they will understand." Lola said. I sipped on my beer as we walked around the AR bar.

"Yeah, Ray. Your brother will love you no matter what." Alek the bartender said. He was there for me when I needed someone. He's like a brother to me. But he's a huge flirt. I turned back to him putting my hand on my hip. I couldn't help but notice him checking me out.

"Would you get mad after being gone for 4 years to find your sister isn't who she use to be?" I asked.

"I'd be overly pissed but I would understand." He said.

"Yeah cause that helped my nerves." I said sitting down on a stole. The bar was certainly closed due to a private party going on in a few hours which Alek asked Lola and me to help out.

"Well get your nerves in check because when you talk about the devil he shows up." He said I gave him a weird look. He nodded behind me. I turned to see Taylor and Christian.

"Hey, little sis." Taylor said.

"Hey." I said. He hugged me.

"Hey, beautiful." Christian said walking over to the counter but keeping his eyes on me.

"Hey." I said softly. Taylor rolled his eyes.

"I'm never going to get use to you two." He said. I turned back to Alek. He smiled.

"Hey, I'm gonna need you two girl's tonight. My staff are all booked and I will pay you." He said. I took a drink of my beer and smiled.

"Of course Alek. I like helping out besides I get a lot of tips." I said. He chuckled.

"Because you're fucking sexy." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Always the flirt." Lola said walking up to my side. He chuckled.

"Is there any other way?" He asked leaning on the counter in front of us. Lola and I turned to each other and smiled. "Oh hey, my regulars get a free drink first." He said.

"We know the rules." Lola and I said at the same time.

"Cuties." He said. We both rolled our eyes.

"You are aware they're both spoken for, right?" Christian said. I turned to him.

"Oh I'm sorry is someone jealous?" I asked.

"No just making sure he knew." He said. 

"I'm single. And will be for as long as I like." I said. He smirked.

"Yeah ok." He said. Lola stood next to me crossing her arms.

"She's serious. And it's the same for me." She said to Taylor. He grew angry.

"Woah, she can take her anger out on him but you and I are on good terms. I didn't do anything to piss you off did I?" He asked. She looked at me.

"Think of it as pay back for opening your mouth." She said. Alek chuckled.

"Lola you can't be pissed at him for doing something you were scared to do. As far as I'm aware you have no reason to make him wait." He said. We both turned to Alek.

"Who's side are you on?" We both asked. He held up his hands.

"Sup bitches. I know I'm late but looking this perfect is an art." Caleb said walking in. Lola and I ran to him hugging him. He had been in Texas for 4 days and didn't get a chance to call.

"We missed you." We both said. He chuckled.

"I know." He said. We giggled.

"I don't know why we keep adding to his ego." Lola said. She looked at me.

"I don't either." I said. We walked over to the bar and downed our beers. Christian opened his mouth to speak but I wasn't finished with my beer so I held up a finger. I finished it and smirked looking at Alek. He shook his head.

"Don't you dare." He said. Lola and I looked at each other and giggled. "You girls know I love you. Please don't." He said. We both dropped the empty beer bottles and it being glass it shattered. "Ughhhh. Now I have to get the broom and the mop again." He said.

"Pay backs a bitch." I mumbled. He rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Who's the bartender?" Christian asked. Lola and I turned to him.

"You don't remember Alek?" She asked.

"The smoking hot foot ball player in middle school?" Taylor asked. Christian looked at him. "They're words not mine." He said.

"Yeah any way. That's him." I said. They both o'd.

"You two are lucky I love you because if I didn't I would have made you pick this up." Alek said coming over to us with a broom and a mop.

"Let me help." I said as Lola goes behind the bar grabbing a beer. He looks up me.

"I can do it." He said. I took the broom from him and swept the glass in a pile.

"Did I miss something?" Caleb said walking over to us. I glanced up at him. "What are the guys doing here?" He asked. Lola and I looked at each other and turned to them.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Mom called. Said she and dad were headed back tonight." Taylor said. I looked at him.

"Really? I can't wait to see them." I squealed. He chuckled.

"I don't know what dad's gonna say about you and fuck face over here but be aware it may not be pretty." Taylor said. I looked at Christian.

"At the moment I don't have anything to worry about. We're friends, just friends." I said. Taylor rolled his eyes.

"You guys are complicated." He said walking up to Lola. She went to ignore him but he turned her to him and kissed her. I smiled.

"We have to talk." Christian said in my ear. His hand rested on my hip. I looked at him as Caleb took the broom from me.

"Go on I'll finish this." He said. I walked away to the other end of the bar. Christian stood in front of me and I looked at him.

"What did I do?" He asked. I sighed.

"Nothing, it's just I'm not the same girl you knew four years ago and your not the same guy I knew. I want to know you before we try the dating thing." I said. He nodded. His hands went on my hips and he pulled me closer.

"Can I still kiss you while we figure things out?" He asked. I pushed him back a little.

"Yeah I guess. But not when Taylor's around. He just found out about us and I rather him get use to us being well whatever we are. I know he isn't use to it yet and he still has an eager to want to punch you for kissing his little sister." I said.

"I told him so we didn't have to hide it behind his back." He said.

"Those are my terms take them or leave them." I said.

"Fine but once we start dating then it's fair game." He said.

"When? What makes you think we are?" I asked with a cocky smirk on my face. He pulled me closer to him.

"Because I'm irresistible." He said. I giggled as he goes to place a kiss to my lips.

"Hey, Christian?" Taylor's voice echoed. I turned my head as Taylor comes around the corner. I took a step back and he walks up to Christan. "We gotta head out." He said. I knew Christian's eyes were on me but I refused to look at him.

"Yeah, give us a second." He said. I looked at Taylor to see him with a confused look. My phone began to ring and I answered it. 

"Hello?" I said. 

"Hi, is this Riley Brown I'm talking to?" A lady asked. 

"Yes this is she. What's wrong?" 

"I'm sorry to inform you but there was an accident." She said. My heart thumped like crazy as I looked at Taylor. 

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