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Miles smirked at me when the song changed to ride by Somo. I giggled. I was ripped from him. I looked at the person. "Why? I was having fun." I said. He grew mad.

"Fun? You call grinning on a guy fun?" He asked. I crossed my arms.

"It's called dancing, Taylor," I said. He grew angry. "You know I'm so tired of you and Christian acting as you can control me," I said.

"We are being protective over you." He said.

"Where were you four years ago? Hmm? Because if I remember correctly you took off because your best friend moved. You left and nothing was the same. I was left alone in the house as mom and dad worked 24/7. So don't talk to me about being protective." I said. He looked sad. I walked away from him. Miles walks up to me.

"Judging by the look on your face party's over?" He asked.

"Yeah, sorry. I'm not feeling too good." I said. Something didn't feel right. I saw Christian walking up to me so I ran out of the house. I was about to go running down the street until I felt like someone was draining my energy. I soon slowed down and fell but not on the ground. I closed my eyes.

The sound of my phone going off woke me up. I went to sit up but my body wouldn't move. "Hello? No, she's out. Yeah, I'll let her know." I heard. My eyes shot open and I saw a burning light. I groaned. I felt the urge to throw up everything I ate in the past 24 hours. I rolled over the edge of the bed. "Hang on." I heard. A bowl was placed under me and down went my lunch. After I was done I got up and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth about a thousand times. I went back to my bed and curled up into a ball. "I told you not to drink the alcohol." He said. I groaned. 

"Not now. Please not now." I said holding my head. Luckily he got up and closed the curtains. 

"I told you not to drink it and you didn't listen." He said. I open my eyes and glare at him. 

"OK, we're doing this now?" I said. He crossed his arms. 

"I told you not to and you didn't listen." He said. 

"Can you get out of my room?" I asked. 

"Why did you even go to that party? What were you trying to prove?" He asked. 

"I don't know ever think the reason I went was that of you? That I was tired of being ignored by someone who kisses me without a reason. That I was tired of seeing new girls coming and going into the house and seeing a new hickey on your neck. I just wanted to get my mind off you OK? Can you please leave my room?" I asked. He looked surprised. 

"I didn't think my life matter to you." He said. I looked at him. 

"You said it yourself. I had the hugest crush you. Well, I guess it never went away. But it doesn't matter OK." I said. He walked over to the bed. "You asked me why I went I answered you now can you please leave my room?" I asked. He stopped walking over to me. He sighed and turned to walk down the stairs. I sighed. My phone then rang again. I reached over and picked it up. "Hello?" I said. 

"Are you OK? I had no idea that someone put something in the drinks. I'm so sorry." He said. I smiled. 

"Miles, it's fine. I'm fine. Just a massive headache. Which may or may not have been caused by Christian's questioning the second I woke up." I said. 

"Lola gave me your number and address. I promised her I would stop by. I made some soup." He said. I smiled bigger. 

"You didn't have too," I said. 

"I know but I felt bad. So what do you say? Can I come over?" He asked. 

"Only if you want to face Christian again. He sorta lives with me." I said. 

"The big bad wolf doesn't scare me." He said. I began to giggle but it hurt so I groaned. "Stop laughing." He said. I clutched my head. "I'm glad you said yes cause I'm already here." He said. I got up and ran down the steps. I hung up the phone and opened the door. He smiled. "Miss me?" He asked. I smiled. The sunlight began to make my headache worse. I took a step back.

"Come in. The sunlight hurts." I said. He walked in with a bowl. I looked at it. "I'll put that in the fridge. I'm not hungry." I said. He handed it to me and followed me to the kitchen. I looked at the counter to see a letter.

I'm out for the night. I haven't seen Taylor since the party. You should really talk to him about whatever you said to him. -Christian

I closed my eyes and set the bowl on the counter. "A headache?" Miles asked. I shook my head.

"No. At the party, I said something means to my brother. I really have to fix it." I said.

"Do you want to do that now? I can take you to go look for him." He said. I looked at him.

"Are you sure?" I asked. He smiles.

"It's the least I can do." He said.

"Thanks," I said. He smiles.

"Put that in the fridge." He said. I put the bowl in the fridge and slipped on my shoes. We walked outside to his car and got in. He looks at me. "Any idea where he would go?" He asked. I thought about it.

"There is one place," I said. He started the car and we were off.

About half an hour later we pulled up to the cliff hill where Taylor asked me for permission to go to New York. I remember crying when he asked. Miles turned off the car and I looked at him.

"Mind if I talk to him alone?" I asked.

"Go for it." He said. I took a deep breath and got out of the car. I walked along the path to see Taylor sitting down watching the lake below. I sat next to him without him noticing.

"I'm sorry Taylor," I said. He looked over at me for a second.

"Don't you have a headache?" He asked.

"Yes, and major one and the sun isn't helping but this is more important," I said. He looked down at his hands.

"Why didn't you tell me you wanted me to stay? You know I would have." He said. I looked up.

"Yeah, I know. Which is why I didn't because I knew you went because it was your dream to go to the high school you went to." I said.

"You should've told me you missed me. I would have come back in a heartbeat." He said. I looked at him.

"Every time you called you always seemed to be having the time of your life. Who was I to take you from that?" I asked.

"Riley you're my baby sister. You mean more to me than anything. If I knew you were unhappy I would have come back." He said. A tear escaped my eye. "Princess don't cry." He said pulling me into his arms.

"I missed you, Taylor," I said.

"I missed you more." He said.

"You could've left Christian," I said. He chuckled.

"You are too much." He said. I giggled.

"Can you forgive me?" I asked.

"I was never mad at you." He said.

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