The Awakening - Kyung Hoon

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"Min Kyung Hoon."

Kyung Hoon turned around and saw a reflection of himself in the mirror.

"Are... Are you talking to me?

"Who else is named Min Kyung Hoon here? Well... You should be called a coward..."

Kyung Hoon kicked the mirror in response. He then groan in pain at his leg since the mirror was sturdy. He couldn't believe he was talking to the mirror in the first place.

"Hey it's true. You didn't have the guts to confess to Heechul."

"Shut up, what do you want?" Kyung Hoon asked while cursing.

"I wanted you to make sure that you are making the right decision because once you wake up, you can't turn back."

Kyung Hoon gasped, he forgot that he was having surgery, "Oh my gosh, Am I still crippled?"

"No idiot, your operation was a success. Maybe they need to do one for that brain of yours."

"Uh, first of all, the operation wasn't 100% success so I had the right to doubt. And second of all, it seems like I need to since I'm talking to a MIRROR." Kyung Hoon puffed in anger.

Mirror Kyung Hoon crossed his arms, "I sure wished I was the one out there and not this doofus here standing in front of me. Like obviously I won't make mistakes on my own song."

"Well, you're gonna make me more boring than I already am. Now get to the point or I'm leaving." Kyung Hoon turned around, ready to leave.

"Wait! You really think that you are making the right choice?" Mirror Kyung Hoon's voice became soft. His face changed expression to worries.

Kyung Hoon stopped and looked back at the mirror, "What do you mean?"

"Your life all changes when you wake up. Are you accepting this change? Are you sure that you won't regret this decision you chose to make?"

Kyung Hoon closed his eyes, "To be honest, I'm still thinking that I'm living in a dream right now. When I first made the choice to be by his side, I already knew of the consequences. Knowing that he sincerely loves me back proved that I made the right call and I won't regret it at all. He loves me and I love him. I have faith in him, I know that he does to me too. I'm willing to wake up to a new world, one where there may be new problems but with Heechul by my side, nothing is impossible to surpass."

Mirror Kyung Hoon sighed in relief, "That was all I needed to hear. Also, have fun with the hair."

"Wait wha-"

The mirror disappeared and the world got dark.


Kyung Hoon woke up spitting hairs from his mouth. Heechul had cuddled by his side while he was sleeping and his hair was right in his mouth. He glazed over to his left and saw Heemi the red bear. He reached for it with his left arm. Thankfully, his arm was working again even though it strained a little. He look at the bear and then at Heechul.

"You both look so alike, so adorable."

Heechul had mumbled something in response but continued to be in a deep sleep. Kyung Hoon kissed his forehead and watched him sleep.

It was a new day when Heechul finally yawned. Kyung Hoon closed his eyes again to pretend to still be asleep.

He heard Heechul groan and then movement on the bed. Heechul was climbing off the bed and mumbling things.

Kyung Hoon was about to open his eyes  when a voice was heard.

"Heechul ah! Is he awake yet?"

Kyung Hoon cursed as Hodong entered the room.

"Aniyo, it's been 2 days. The doctor said he should've been awake yesterday." Heechul responded with a sigh.

"He'll wake up soon. Now you go get some coffee and fix up. You look terrible."

There was footsteps and the door closed. Kyung Hoon heard footsteps coming towards the bed. Hodong had sat down on his right.

"Kyung Hoon ah. You're really gonna let this poor kid wait for you? You really are a terrible person."

"You're the terrible one." Kyung Hoon replied.

Kyung Hoon opened his eyes and scared him, Hodong screamed and fell back from his chair.


Kyung Hoon laughed out loud, "Serves you right for talking bad about me."

Hodong recovered from shock and returned to the chair, "When did you wake up?"

"I woke up last night, I didn't want to wake up Heechul because he was sleeping peacefully."

Hodong nodded in understanding, "That's the reason, I see. I'm gonna do y'all a favor and leave right now."

"That'll be nice, farewell."

Hodong gritted his teeth and hit him when Kyung Hoon laughed.

"At least you got your humor back. I'll be going."

Hodong left the room and Kyung Hoon smiled. Now he waited for Heechul to come back.

Heechul walked in and blinked when he saw Kyung Hoon. He ran over and kissed him.

"Kyungie! You worried me so much you little rascal!"

"Haha now you don't have to worry." Kyung Hoon responded with a passionate kiss.

Heechul sat on the edge of his bed and grabbed Heenim, "I got this bear washed and fixed while you were gone. You should be thankful for that."

"I am. But I'm more glad to see you."

Heechul pecked his cheeks in response, "We're finally officially together. How does it feel for you?"

Kyung Hoon paused, "I feel like I just awakened from a long dream. A bittersweet dream that finally came true."

Heechul nodded, "We both did. Now that only thing left to do is to finally finish what we started."

Kyung Hoon watched Heechul take out his phone and played a recording. The music made Kyung Hoon feel calm.

"We finally finished our Sweet Dreams."

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