The Heart Broken Christmas - Kyung Hoon

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'Let's look at the moon in the sky,

And remember those times,

So sleep peacefully...'


"Sooooo.... Han Kyungie, what did you get for me?"

Heechul, Kyung Hoon and Hankyung were sitting in the same table for lunch in the restaurant in the hotel. Heechul was as cheerful as ever after Kyung Hoon's Christmas present.

"Well... To be honest, nothing." Hankyung sighed.

"Aigoo... I so disappointed in you." Heechul pouted.

Kyung Hoon caught Hankyung wink at him. He sat back on his chair and smiled.

"Aishhh you guys are up to something." Heechul puffed his cheeks after watching them.

Hankyung laughed and punched Heechul lightly on the arm, "You know I never forget a friend." He walked away from the table. Kyung Hoon watched him and then turned his attention to Heechul. Heechul was pouting cutely. Kyung Hoon felt like he was in heaven seeing this holy side of Heechul.

"Kyungie ah, do you know what Hankyung got me?"

"Aniyo..." Kyung Hoon replied dreamily.

"Aish, you are no fun." Heechul sat back and crossed his arms.

After several minutes, Hankyung came back with a box wrapped in red sparkly paper, "Merry Christmas, Kim Heechul."

Heechul smirked and opened his present, he looked pleased when he saw his gift, "Omg! Red headphones! I love it already!"

"Kyung Hoon helped me look for this present yesterday." Hankyung explained and nudged Kyung Hoon.

"Yea... It has a mic so it's perfect for playing games." Kyung Hoon said softly in embarrassment.

"Looks like you really know me well. Gamsa Hankyungie, Kyungie!" Heechul cheered.

"Aigoo, you sound like a baby right now." Hankyung laughed.

"Aish, don't ruin my handsome image." Heechul glared then laughed.

After lunch, they headed for the film site where Leeteuk and Hodong were shooting for a variety show. Heechul had promised Hodong that he would come just because Hodong said he will pay for the meal so why not? Kyung Hoon was dragged along because Hodong wanted him to come after a short notice.

"Kyung Hoon, what's with the long face?" Hodong asked as they sat in the van ride for Hong Kong.

"I don't see a reason that I'm here." Kyung Hoon replied while shaking his head.

Ho Dong ruffled his hair and hugged him tightly, "We gotta make a better bond you know. Our friendship can be going for miles like the great wall of China!"


"You're lucky today's Christmas that I can't kill you."

Kyung Hoon smiled a little. He watched as Heechul was laughing.

Hankyung shook his head, "Let's listen to some music to entertain ourselves."

Heechul nodded, "Let's put Kyung Hoon on the spotlight because he's ssamja."

Kyung Hoon pointed at himself, "Me?"

"Yes you, now show us your singing skills."

"Let's wait til we get to a karaoke bar in Hong Kong." Kyung Hoon said shyly.

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