The Sweet Birthday- Heechul

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"It's a night where we can go through,
All of the past time.
It wasn't short,
The time it took for us to get close~"

"Oh no... I was so busy practicing that I forgot about dinner!"

Heechul looked for anyone he could possibly join to eat dinner. Everyone either ate already or was out with their friends, leaving Heechul alone. He gave up and went out for dinner alone. Normally, he wouldn't mind eating some cup noodles or a rice box for dinner but today, it was a special day. It was his birthday. A lot of people had wished him a happy birthday but no one was free to celebrate with him.

Heechul entered his lonely and dark apartment, he was about to settle in for the night when he heard a crash in his room. Scared, he took a nearby umbrella and slowly headed for the door. He was about to kick it open when the lights went on and screams of happy birthday were heard. He fell and watched dazedly as his Knowing Brothers friends when cheering and blowing on party horns. Kyung Hoon walked to him and gave him a smile.

"Happy birthday Heechul ssi~"

"YA! How the hell did you guys enter my apartment?!"

Kyung Hoon helped him up and laughed nervously while leading him to the rest of the members.

"We might have climbed up to your balcony the first time."

"I knew I forgot to lock the balcony doors..."

Kyung Hoon tried to convince him that it was a good idea, Heechul was secretly glad it wasn't a dream but he was mad that they broke into their apartment. It did show that he had close relationships with the Knowing Bros cast, which was a good thing.

"So... You haven't told me, how did you guys find out where I lived in the first place?"

Soo-Geun quickly responded, "Kyung Hoon was the one who told us that it was your birthday and wanted to make a surprise party for you."

Kyung Hoon's ear had turned red as Heechul turned to face him. He hadn't told anyone besides his Super Junior members where he rented an apartment.

"I... I asked Leeteuk hyung where you lived. I would've told you that we were coming over, but then it wouldn't be a surprise so..."

"Uh huh..."

"We waited for you for 2 hours, that's enough punishment for us." Ho-Dong complained.

"If I knew you guys were here, I wouldn't even show up at all and would've gone to visit my family instead!" Heechul said jokingly.

"Kim Heechul, make your birthday wish and get this over with!" Ho-Dong laughed.

The boys spent the whole night partying and drinking. Heechul never thought he was going to spend a birthday as a surprise party made by his friends. He had to thank Kyung Hoon, he made this all possible and made him so happy.

The whole crew decided to stay in Heechul's apartment for the night. They were so drunk, some didn't even realize where they slept. Heechul didn't drink as much and started to help tuck in his friends before going to his room. When he entered, he noticed Kyung Hoon resting next to his bed. Heechul smiled as he watched Kyung Hoon sleep.

"Kyungie is so cute when he's sleeping."

He lifted Kyung Hoon to his bed and settled next to him. Heechul hadn't felt at ease for a while. A little company was like a dim light for his lonely, depressing darkness. It was the sweetest birthday ever.

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