The Meeting- Heechul

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"Thank you everyone for coming."

Heechul stood up and bowed. The Knowing Bros and Super Junior members were sitting in the same room as him. He was ready to act after the whole night of thinking. Heechul was exhausted from lack of sleep but it didn't stop him from deciding to give up on Kyung Hoon.

"We need to come up with a plan to rescue Kyungie before its too late. I know that he's held hostage by some sasaengs."

"I'm guessing that this is connected to Jun Ki being hospitalized." Hodong interrupted.

"Nae, I was the last person he talked to before going to the hospital."

"Oh man... What did he tell you?" Shindong asked.

"He was the one who told me that Kyung Hoon was kidnapped. He also said that I was in danger but I don't know why."

The room was silent, Heechul cursed at them, "Aish, can you guys think of something instead of being so silent?"

"The only thing I can think of is that those anti-fans want you guys to have s-e-x." Leeteuk pointed out.

Everyone turned to Leeteuk. Heechul felt his head explode as his face grew hot. Shindong cursed at Leeteuk as clear as possible.

"Aish, Park Jungsu! You are so dirty minded. This isn't the time to joke around."

Leeteuk waved his hands, "Aniyo, I just meant that if this is sasaengs idol kidnapping we are talking about... since Kyung Hoon and Heechul were always a cute ship in the show. They could be wanting the ship to sail and all that. And plus, Kyung Hoon likes Heechul anyways."

Leeteuk covered his mouth. The eyes now shifted to Heechul. Heechul had grabbed a pillow to cover his face. He had never felt so embarrassed before.

"Just... Help me come up with a plan to find him."

Soogeun stood up to talk, "I have a risky idea but it might be the only way."

"Tell us hyung." Heechul nodded for Soogeun to continue.

"You have to confront them and let them capture you."

Hodong was the first to protest, "That's insane. Heechul will get hurt!"

"You got any other ideas?"

"I say we need to inform the police about this!"

"You are so dumb. Have you heard about how ransom kills?"

"This isn't a ransom kidnapping though!"

Heechul put his hand up to stop further arguments, "Soogeun's idea is our best option. Besides, we really can't call police or else bad things will really happen. Hodong hyung, I know you are concerned about my safety but there's really no other method besides this."

Yesung walked over to him and put his hands on his, "Are you sure about this? Anything can go wrong if you choose to get abducted..."

"Yesung... Kyungie didn't choose to get abducted. If anything happens to him, I'll live the rest of my life like a zombie."

"That's enough guys. If Heechul decision is final. We need a plan to make sure if anything goes wrong, there's a backup plan." Leeteuk said.

"We need some mics or cams attached to him so we can track where he is." Youngchul pointed out.

"Maybe not cams because it can be easily misplaced in angle. But we need a tracker and mic attached in him and hidden very well." Jang Hoon added.

"Okay. I've come up with an ideal plan for all of this." Eunhyuk interrupted.

"Oh boy... Eunhyuk has a plan..." Donghae groaned.

"Shush Lee Donghae. I dare you to come up with one yourself."

"It'll be a waste of time. Tell us yours first."

"As usual tsk tsk.... Anyways, I think that Heechul will need backup on the day he meets with the kidnappers. I will be hiding nearby along with Donghae to make sure all goes well. Hodong hyung and Jang Hoon hyung should be around for backup as well. I think Youngchul and Jungsu hyung should be the ones that monitor. Soogeun and Shindong should be the ones that go after their mode of transportation for additional tracking and be ready to flee when Kyung Hoon and Heechul are rescued. As for everyone else, just be on cue when anything goes wrong. Yesung should just go cry in the corner while all of this happens."

Yesung hit Eunhyuk in the arm. Heechul chuckled before speaking, "Let's follow Eunhyuk's plan. Operation Heemi will commence starting now."

"Why is it called Heemi?" Sangmin asked.

"Well... I'm the one they are after and the spotlight is on me. So... Yea.."

"Alright, it's operation Heemi."

"Yep, who's with me?"

Everyone formed a circle and put their hands in the center in agreement. Operation Heemi was about to begin.

'Wait for me, Kyungie. I'm coming for you.'

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