Part 3: The Return of Hankyung

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A month later....

Kyung Hoon waited patiently in the Seoul park. He was going to meet up with someone he hadn't seen in a while. It took a long time but the person he was meeting up with finally showed up.

"Kyung Hoon!"

Hankyung waved excitedly from the far distance as he walked over. Kyung Hoon smiles and hugged him when they stood close.

"Congratulations for your newly blossomed relationship! How are you feeling Kyung Hoon?"

"I'm feeling awesome. I'm so glad that you were able to come today."

"Haha, I'll always come see you guys before anything."

They found a place to sit down and catch up. It was funny to Kyung Hoon that he became close with Hankyung after one meeting in China with Heechul.

"How've you been? We haven't talked for a long time." Kyung Hoon started.

"I've been good and same. Just shooting films here and there. I heard from Heechul that many things happened between you guys."

"Yea... too many things happened between us." Kyung Hoon said quietly.

"Well, I'm so glad that you guys ended up together in the end. That's the 'more' important thing."


Hankyung sighed and leaned back on the bench, he had something in his mind.

"I sometimes wonder... What if I never left Super Junior and stayed with him..."

Kyung Hoon stared at Hankyung as he spoke, "Then you get the beautiful soul instead of me."

"Haha... I confess that I did miss him a lot when I left. My heart aches a lot during the time, I really did love him but I hesitated when I had the chance to. I guess I never found my answer until I left."

"You really act a lot like Heechul. Not realizing that you didn't just like him as a friend but love him." Kyung Hoon pointed out.

Hankyung nodded in agreement, "I guess you're right. However, my love was one sided compared to yours. I can promise you that I would've never got him to love me back. We would've stayed friend-zoned."

"Mine was too. I guess it all depends on the other person."

"Aniyo." Hankyung put his hand on Kyung Hoon's shoulder, "It depends on how you make the other person realize that they love you too. You showed him in a tragic way but opened up his feelings for you. I would've never done that."

"I guess if you say it that way then yea..." Kyung Hoon replied.

"Well... you guys made it. Now try to understand each other and learn to be lenient to each other's personalities."

"Can I ask you one thing?" Kyung Hoon interrupted.

"Go ahead."

"Are you triple sure that you don't like him anymore?"

Hankyung laughed, "Even if I did, I'll never try to break you guys apart. But no, the relationship between us remains friend-zoned."

"Okay, not that I'll get mad. I just wanted to make sure." Kyung Hoon assured.

Hankyung laughed again, "Anyways, I got much tips about how to make Heechul happy. You ready to jot down notes?"

Kyung Hoon nodded with a smile, "I'm always ready for that hyung."


Heechul found Hankyung in the usual place. It was the evening, they would always go to the same restaurant to eat dinner back in the Super Junior days.

"You're early."

"No, you're just late." Hankyung replied.

Heechul sat down and looked at the menu, "So much has changed. There's so much food here that I've never seen before when we both still came."

"Indeed. For example, getting a boyfriend already before I can get a girlfriend."

Heechul chuckled in embarrassment, "Aish Hangie, you're starting this again?"

"There's no need to be embarrassed about it lol. You're never embarrassed ever."

"That's true."

"You and Kyung Hoon make a perfect couple."

"I know we do."

"You don't sound convinced."

Heechul sighed and looked at Hankyung, "I just wonder... So much that I get confused."

"What's the curiosity?" Hankyung asked.

"Just lonely thoughts... Even a funny guy like me can get depressed."

"Well does it have anything to do with you being with Kyung Hoon?"

"Of course not. I just can't help but put myself in Kyung Hoon's shoes when I think about him. He suffered so much to get to this. What if I never thought carefully? He would've suffered even more and that loneliness, I just can't handle it."

"Heechul ah..." Hankyung took his hand. "Don't think about those things. What matters is the present, not the past. You should cherish the time you have with Kyung Hoon if you really felt bad. Plus, I'm super sure that he is happy now so don't worry."

"I always hated your prep talk."

"Hey, at least I'm trying to help you."

"Yea yea, let's order food before I starve."

"You sure you are okay though?"

"Yes I am. I just needed someone to talk to."

"Good. You guys got a long way to go."


*End of Chapter*

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