The Quiet Streets- Heechul

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"Kyung Hoon ah, Hankyung ah?"

Heechul was searching for them after getting food. They had wanted to have a private conversation but it was unusual for them to have disappeared. Heechul scratched his head in confusion.

"They didn't say they were going anywhere... right?"

Heechul started circling around the carnival for any signs of his friends. He wasn't very familiar with the Nanjing road like Hankyung was. It wasn't like them to disappear on him. He checked his phone, dead. He cursed and looked around for any signs of his friends. 

"I hope they will come back... If they texted or called me, I wouldn't be able to pick up."

He sat on the bench and waited patiently. The food was getting cold so he started eating. Hours passed and soon the sky turned dark. He watched as the streets got quiet and lights went out for several stores. There were occasional dog barks but otherwise, the tourist site was quiet. 

"Aish... Where are they? I really don't know how to get back to the hotel."

He stood up for the 20th time to pace around the carnival. There was not a soul around in the silent night. For the first time, he felt the sense of loneliness physically. Sure, he was always alone when he was at home every night but this was different. He felt fear and insecurity the longer he was out here. He had thought about taking a cab back to the hotel but he didn't know how to pronounce the name. 

He walked by a music store and saw a blue acoustic guitar and stayed stared at it for a long time. There were many things going through his mind, that he didn't realize that he had been sitting on the floor. He decided to focus on the present of how worried Kyung Hoon was. 

"Kyung Hoon ah... I wonder if you are worried sick about me. Probably you forgot that I was gone... You had so much problems that I don't know about. I wish you were more open to me. I want you to be there when I open my eyes..." Heechul closed his eyes as soon as he said that.

Heechul opened his eyes to the bright light. He hadn't realized he had fallen asleep last nights in the streets. Then again, it was too quiet and the breeze had calmed his soul.

"Ah... You are awake hyung."

Kyung Hoon had stepped into the room. He was holding a tray of toast and orange juice.

"What happened?"

"Hankyung and I went to buy something and then came back to the spot. We tried to text and call you along the way but you didn't reply. We started looking for you and even went back to the hotel too but you weren't there. Later on, we found you on the ground asleep and brought you back here."

"I guess it was a coincidence that we walked around the carnival but didn't see each other." Heechul said and sipped his glass of orange juice.

"Mianhae for all of that. We should've waited for you to come back." Kyung Hoon whispered.

"No it's okay. I knew you were worried about me."

"You did?" Kyung Hoon twitched his eye in curiosity.

"Yea... While I was alone... I finally understood what it feels like to really be alone. I haven't felt like that for a long time. I thought about you, how you were worried sick of me and thinking about how lonely I was." Heechul paused and thought for a bit before continuing. "I want to thank you for being with me even though you weren't."

"I... You're welcome..." Kyung Hoon said slowly.

Heechul hugged him, "You really are a good friend. I wish you would stay with me longer."

"If you want to, let's finish the song we are working on."

Heechul chuckled, "I already have a name for it."

"Really? What is the name?"

"Sweet Dreams."

Kyung Hoon smiled and sat at the edge of the bed, "That's a great name."

"I'm glad you love it."

"Heechul hyung... I have something for you." Kyung Hoon reached for his pocket and took out a wrapped box. 

Heechul widened his eyes, "Oh yeah... it's Christmas! What's inside?" 

"Open it and you'll see." Kyung Hoon replied.

"Aish, you are no fun." Heechul laughed and started digging into the present. The box revealed a red collar with little diamonds around it and ruby bracelet.

"I thought you might need a collar for your cat so I got that. The ruby bracelet matches with my-"

Heechul gave Kyung Hoon another hug. He hugged very tight and couldn't hold back his tears, "Gamsa Kyung Hoon! I really appreciate this gift. I really do."

"Ca-n't bre-ath-e."

Heechul let go of Kyung Hoon and ruffled his hair, "Mianhae Kyung Hoon. I got carried away."

Kyung Hoon puffed his cheeks, Heechul hadn't seen that cute side of Kyung Hoon for a while.

"I got something for ya too Kyungie, but we have to wait til we get back home for me to give it to ya."

Kyung Hoon pouted, "That means you weren't prepared to give me a gift."

Heechul laughed and took out his phone, "Don't worry, I thought hard about the present to give you and I found the right one for you." He remembered the blue guitar in the window still while he was wandering in the quiet streets. It was the only thing that kept him from being lonely. 

'Saranghaeyo Min Kyung Hoon... I wish you can stay with me forever.'

Sweet Dreams- Heechul x Kyung HoonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu