Extra: Heechul's Birthday (BTS)

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**This scene happens before the events of 'The Sweet Birthday- Heechul' in Part one of the series.


"Ya, Ho Dong hyung."

Ho Dong tsked at Kyung Hoon in disappointment, "Someone was never taught manners in his life."

"I would've dropped the 'hyung' if I wasn't taught manners at all." Kyung Hoon responded.

"Urgh, you little-"

"Guys, guys. Can y'all at least spend one minute without starting a dispute?" Sangmin interrupted.

"Urgh fine. Why did you call us together, Kyung Hoon?" Ho Dong asked in frustration.

"Well... I was thinking of throwing a party for Heechul hyung... It is his birthday you know..." Kyung Hoon explained slowly.

"Aren't birthday surprise parties planned out in advance? This seems last minute." Youngchul pointed out.

"I'm with Youngchul here. I think it's pretty late to create a party for him." Jang-Hoon agreed. 

"We can still do it. I know what time he goes home after work. I also know you guys don't have any schedules tomorrow as well." Kyung Hoon pushed.

"Geez Kyung Hoon, you sure did your homework." Ho Dong rolled his eyes.

"All to bring the group closer. We are like real brothers you know. Well besides a certain someone who I won't name."

"You little-"

"SO- How do you plan on doing this?" Soo-geun interrupted.

"I think we're going to throw it at his apartment, it'll be the best surprise ever." Kyung Hoon responded.

"Uh, we don't have access to his apartment." Ho Dong pointed out.

"I got an idea."


"You call this an idea?? What if we get caught??"

Ho Dong yelled as he finally climbed over the balcony. Everyone was panting as they rested on the floor. Kyung Hoon took a peek outside before closing the door. He then took a deep breath.

"I got to say... This is by far the stupidest and riskiest idea Kyung Hoon has ever made." Soo-geun agreed to Ho Dong.

"Hey, at least we made it in." Kyung Hoon pointed out.

"Yea, what if the door was locked?? We would've had to climb back down or even get caught by the police." Jang-hoon asked.

"Urgh, Ho-Dong hyung literally stepped on my face because he lost his footing..." Young-chul commented.

"Okay Kyung Hoon, what's next?" Sang-min asked. 

"We need to get the cake and presents ready in 2 hours. Also, the decorations, and food as well" Kyung Hoon replied.

"Okay. No. I'm done. We can't do this in 2 hours." Ho Dong said.

"We didn't even try yet."

"Well, we won't make it. The best we can do is cake...  and food." 

"We didn't try yet."

Everyone sighed as Kyung Hoon continued to push the idea. Kyung Hoon was getting frustrated that his hyungs were making no effort in this. 

"Guys, Heechul hyung is our brother. I know I planned this late but, at least I had an idea of making his birthday meaningful. You guys? The most you would do is message him a 'happy birthday' blah blah blah. I know for sure that he hasn't had a meaningful birthday with his busy schedule but wishes for one as much as we all do. It's the time to celebrate life and appreciate his existence. Please guys..."

Everyone was again silent. Kyung Hoon sighed and turned around for the balcony.

"It's okay then, I'll handle everything myself."

"Wait a second." Ho Dong said.

Kyung Hoon turned around and looked at him. Ho Dong grasped his fist and looked confident, "You're right. We haven't tried anything yet. I do want some fun for my break."

Jang-hoon nodded and walked over to Kyung Hoon to put his hand on his shoulder, "Your speech was so meaningful. I think we should all take this time to bond as brothers."

The others slowly nodded their heads. Kyung Hoon smiled in relief. Now the time was ticking down before the surprise party begun!

~ The End


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