《Chapter 26》

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The days went by without a single problem blocking the light, light of happiness to shine on you lighting up those days for you.

You got to know Jaehwa a lot more and even got to meet her friends. She also visited your grandfather and your cousins, who were already living with him. You met Jihee for the first time but sadly Jisung wasn't home so Jaehwa couldn't meet him. Jihee had a bright personality and was pretty clingy and you found her extremely cute. She easily got really comfortable around you. She whined a lot saying she wished she had older sisters because Jisung is no fun since he's a boy. Jaehwa brightened up her mood by telling her that you are her sisters which you totally agreed to.

You told Jaehwa about Baekhyun, she was so happy, said you have an amazing taste and that she really saw it coming. She kept asking a lot about your relationship and teased you a lot, she almost reminded you of Jiyeon sometimes.

You were talking more with Soo Tiffany, and finally seeing her as a friend. You even went to meet her younger siblings, who you found absolutely adorable, but also really hyper unlike the type of kid you used to be. She did make an effort since that day you had detention together and comes earlier. You often stayed after school to help her with homework or explain to her some points she couldn't get.

Jung Areum was absent for a few days since that incident. When she started coming again she avoided you, you didn't try to pick on her either and ignored her presence. You don't act but react.

Min Hyekyo only shooting glares at you from afar, you did the same as how you did with Areum, even though you have come to hate her. Because of what she said that day, how she always tries to put you in a bad situation or mood. How she tries to steal Baekhyun from you. You know she won't be able to, but can't help but hate her for it too.

As for her two lackeys, Yoon Sunhye and Um Naseol it's a bit of a different story. They always glared at you too. You didn't really have to deal with them directly since the beginning but knew they were part of the things that were going on. Even Naseol's brother Minho, who you don't even really know and don't understand what he has with you.

You couldn't get what was Sirae's deal either. At first you thought she was one of those girls who are crazy for Baekhyun, but you then realized she was just a girl who dated anyone for a short period then moves on to another one. So it makes things harder to understand with her. She was greeting you along with her lackeys, smiling at you as if you knew each other. But you have dealt with enough girls like her to know it was all fake, so you kept your distance and barrier high pretty worried about what she had in mind.

Things with Baekhyun on the other hand were perfect as you could say. At some point you felt like you were just dreaming, sometimes you couldn't help but worry about something bad happening because 'Good things always come to an end.' is what they say. But after every day drawing to a close without any problem, you could let out a soft breath and your shoulders fall in relief. You came to find a new side of you that you somehow weren't familiar with, you showed him more affection, you smiled more. You even became a bit of a brighter person.

Baekhyun wanted to take you on a date and said he'll come pick you up. He told you to just dress casually and comfortably because it'll be a long day. But going on a date with him made the nerves in you mess up with you so much that you don't even understand what is going on with you. So instead of just easily picking a casual outfit, you were still in your closet that was a real mess because of how many outfits you tried on.

After what seemed like forever, you finally decided to go for a tennis skirt and a simple t-shirt that you were going to assort with a pink bomber jacket, white sneakers and tiny black bag.

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