Chapter 25 -- I've seen crazier

Start from the beginning

"Della?" She rushes over to me, motherly instincts kicking in as she immediately scans my face for bruises. "What's going on?"

I brush her hands off of me, "Nothing, I'm not hurt. I just don't know what's wrong with my powers." I don't blame my uncle for calling my mom. He hardly knows me, and he doesn't have much experience with super powers of his own. Still, I wish my mother wasn't sitting beside me on this couch babying me.

"What's wrong with your powers?" She keeps her hands folded together now that I've made it obvious I don't want her affection. Uncle Travis quietly exits the room. I don't want to be left alone with my mom. I can sense the argument to come. While I contemplate what to say, I simply pull up a strand of my hair.

"My hair was white when I got new powers, and I dyed it to make it stay that way. Now it's back to my natural color, coincidentally at the same time that I can't use my super speed anymore." My anger had taken over momentarily, but now I feel the sting of tears behind my eyes.

My mom stares at me with kind eyes. That's it? She's not going to say she warned me of the dangers of being Rapid Glare? She doesn't say anything for a few moments, she just places her hand on my arm. It's breaking the boundary, but I'll allow it.

"It's going to be okay, Della." I want to scream. This isn't fair. I know what's happening, but I can't bring myself to acknowledge that it's real. Why can't she just break the news to me? It's killing me. Both of us are holding back the tears. I can see them welling up in her eyes.

"Can you just rip the Band-Aid off? Tell me what we both know. Just say it." I close my eyes and feel a tear slip out. The back of my hand brushes it away before I can think twice about showing weakness.

I try to tell myself life will be simpler without powers. That's what I've been complaining about for the longest time, right? So I should be relieved that this is happening. I don't have to pretend to know what I'm doing anymore.

Mom sniffs, looking away from me as she takes a deep breath. "I can't say for sure. This isn't something I'm too familiar with," She takes a shaky breath, "I think you're losing your old powers."

Maybe I can't do this on my own. Maybe I was wrong to run away. We weren't made to go through life fending for ourselves. But, for once, I wanted to prove to myself that I was capable of fighting on my own. I wanted to show everyone, including myself, that I wasn't just saving the day on accident because I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I was tired of being the Blooperhero. Now, I don't know how I managed to get so far and not finish the race.

"You're welcome to come home." She offers in a quiet tone under her breath.

"Mom, I can't just stop. I can't be like-" I stop myself from finishing that sentence. I turn my head so I don't look her in the eyes anymore. I immediately regret my choice of words. Too insensitive, Della. Idiot!

I thought her hand would retract from my arm, but she keeps it there. "Della, I know you think I'm a coward, but did you ever think about what I went through? I didn't just stop putting on a mask in the mornings because it was too much work. I killed Steel Hawk." She chokes on her words. I don't know if I've ever seen my mom cry.

"I don't care if he was the evilest man I have ever met," My eyes are glued on her now. "You can't end someone's life and go on like normal with your own."

My heart breaks hearing my mom talk about her past. Who would be strong enough to go on as a hero when they had that weighing on their conscience? I grab my mom's hand.

"I don't think you're a coward. You're the strongest woman I know. I look up to you as my mom and as Titania." She allows a soft smile to appear. A few seconds of silence pass.

"Powers are a huge responsibility. The town's safety rests on your shoulders. I didn't want my powers when I realized that." I admit.

My mom brushes a tear off of my cheek. "But now?"

I close my eyes to confront my feelings. "I won't even have a chance to make something of myself."

Her eyebrows shoot up. "You already have a legacy. You're the super that brought down Red Raven."

"I'm also the super that disappeared and will now never get the chance to return."

My mom rubs her hand against my arm and I find myself sitting up to hug her. I haven't hugged my mom in ages. I've shut down any emotional contact with her since I became a super. She pats my back and I cling to her because I never realized how much I needed her. How could I be such a selfish brat? She was trying her best to protect me. A few more tears fall down my face.

Uncle Travis comes back into the room and tries to tiptoe back out when he sees us hugging. I shake my head with a laugh, wiping a tear away. "No, no, you can't escape." Mom lets go of me with one last squeeze of my shoulders. I know I don't remember Uncle Travis very well, but I know my mom must think highly of him if he was the first person she thought of to enlist in her plot to save Steel Hawk's son.

"No, honestly, this isn't for me to interrupt. I'm going to give my wife a call. This has been a crazy day."

I shrug. I've seen crazier. 

My mom rolls her eyes, her back towards my uncle who just walked into his office again. She chuckles, "Jamie won't ever believe such a story."

Honestly, I wouldn't either if I was out of the loop.

In my back pocket, I feel my phone start to buzz. Mom and I look at each other curiously. I dig it out and look at the unknown number. I plop it onto the table beside the couch, ignoring the call. If they're important, they'll call back or leave a message. Seconds after it goes to voicemail, I hear another buzz. Once again, my curiosity gets the best of me and I pick my phone up again. A text from the same number. I groan out loud.

"Some peace and quiet would be nice." I mumble under my breath, to which my mom laughs.

Meet me at my house at midnight. I've got some important information for you. Come alone, and not as Rapid Glare or Orage.

My heart stops beating as I read her name along with her text.

"Who is it?" My mom asks, and my head snaps up to meet her glance. I let my eyes read over the text again before I answer her. How did she get information? How does she know both of my identities? 

I clear my throat, scrunching up my face as I read her name off. "Sophia Brown."

I almost couldn't bring myself to write this chapter. It was so emotional to bring Della and her mom together as Della is losing her powers. That brings me to ask, how did you guys react to this chapter?

Now we see Sophia is being brought back into the picture... I wonder what information she has for Della... Any guesses?

Thanks for reading!
Always, Sunny

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