Character Answers

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Hey guys so these are the questions from the character ask so I'm just gonna get into it.

@CrescentMoon5 Do you like all your food blue?
Ummm no. Maybe. Okay I prefer it, but not everything can be made blue. Like pizza. I fricking love pizza.

@Benelamay Y u no look of Harry more?
Wow okay, straight to the complicated stuff. Okay well I tried but it was like he was blocked from my senses. Like if I had tried to IM him, it would come back saying that it couldn't be reached. It's complicated but I really tried to find him.

@_Ocean_Goddess_ Would you prefer to propose to Annabeth or for Annabeth to propose to you?
Uh well, we're already engaged by if she wanted to propose to me then she can. I don't care. I personally think that it doesn't matter who proposes because your both asking each other the same question anyway: Can I see a future with you and can you see one with me. So I don't really care.

@soulessokatu Do you love under the sea?
You mean the song from The Little Mermaid? Uh hell ya. It's my ringtone. I get crunk to that song.


@CrescentMoon5 How do you feel about starting a family with Percy?
Wow that's a philosophical question. I mean, I'm excited and everything, but I'm really nervous. I mean, we're really young and we don't have a definite way of telling if we will survive long enough to raise our family.

@Benelamay Can you remember everything?
You mean like do I have photographic memory where I can remember everything I see, hear, encounter, feel? Yes.


@Benelamay Y u no look for Percy more
I tried. But magic wouldn't work. It would kind of bounce back like it hit some sort of shield or something.


@Benelamay Are you a child of Athena
Yes. I thought we went over this? Oh well. I am a daughter of Athena but I was adopted to the Granger family when I was a baby after my father died.

@Benelamay Whay are you visiting your Uncle P
Because I want to. Do you have a problem with that?


@Benelamay Y u so mean to Harry
It was all my facade. I had to act like the typical pure blood that I'm supposed to be. But being half god, I feel like that's pure enough.


@ElephantFoddessRocks lskjdffo;fiejhf;oai3k3efh8iufekjherufh98if98fuf98ufu8uuuffuufwiofugyfuidhnvyhfduivhbe8fulkjcn???????/
Ummmmmmmmm... yes?

@CrescentMoon5 Why is this book so ama-zhang?
Thank you and I have no idea. I personally think I'm bad at writing but comments like these make me feel great?

@Benelamay Why does it take you so long to update? Why????????? I like this story!
Well first of all thank you for liking this story. It means a lot. And to answer your first question, it takes a long time. To come up with the chapter idea, then write it without making it sound terrible, then edit it(which I'm gonna start doing more), then publish it all while having a life and school and everything, it's hard. But I am mega sorry that it takes me so long. I'm almost done with the next chapter, so yeah. Expect that within the next week.

@HowartzPrincess This book is amazing can't wait to find out what happens next especially with sydney
Thank you. While this isn't actually a question,it makes me feel good.

@ElephantGoddessRocks why is the book so good
Hello again nice to see actual words, I was worried you had a seizure or something from the one above. Anyways, I can't answer that. You'll have too.

Okay that was the character ask, hope you enjoyed it. Bye!

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